Question about sex

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Me being the true romantic last night said to Tim, come on I want sex before I go to sleep lol but for the past few weeks I can't go on top cos it's so sore so sorry if tmi Tim went on top and straight away it was sore and felt like there was no room at all so we changed positions and that was even worse!! I said to Tim does it feel tighter and he said no but it felt like I've ran out of room and that my cervix has gone really low!
So manly a question for Evie as she knows about cervix's... Could it be my cervix getting lower? Or am I just imagining things? Anyone else feeling really tight down there??
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arrrgghhh jelous!

Demba is not small but he dont run out of room!!
i must have the longest twinkle in the world..
Don't be jealous... It really hurts! I want nice sex not uncomfy sex!!
omg tht happened with phil and i! he literally could not get in t all!! he had a feel with his fingers (tmi) and felt my cervix really low and swore he could feel joshuas head so we gave up!! however he did feel my cervix and said it was like 3 cms gone and 2 days later my waters started going..... hopefully its the start for you!!!!
Yep sounds like cervix is getting lower woot!! I was like this about a week ago when I checked and it had come right forward - soon when you feel space again that means it has shortened and thinned out ready for birth hehe!! Mine has totally shortened and thinned out now the mw told me and ready for labour just waiting for contractions to dilate hehe!! Xx hopefully yours won't take as long as mine did to thin out and shorten xxxx

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Ooooh sounds good according to Evies Cervix update - maybe your next after Evie, unless Evelina gets in there first, with her period pains brewing!
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dont encourrage any other babies to come before noa please :whistle:
You can encourage mine :whistle: lol!!!!!

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I might try to "cuddle" up to Tim again tonight but it was so uncomfitable!!
At least you guys are getting it! Shaun won't come near me. Says it's too weird. Arse!
im so horny this pregnancy its unreal... and its getting worse and worse.. i cant stop thinking of demba naked.. its the first thing i talk about when he comes home.. what i want done to me after dinner.. :blush:
I'm really Horney in this pregnancy as well wasn't so much in the other two lol! I'm enjoying it tho lol so that helps!! Haha!!

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I've only become horny in the last month! Couldn't stand it in tri 1 and 2 but now as soon as tim comes home I ask if we can have sex hahaa!
chaz no babies in the morning please as demba is taking it of again so im planning on a busy morning in bed to get noa moving his little bum for mummy! Im not getting up for NO ONE! :D
I am horny too and have not had sex in two months. UGH men! My husband is too freaked out about the baby and the big belly.
My OH doesn't want to squish my bump but he's happy he's getting some as I was off sex for the 1st 6 months, now I can't get enough! Lol! It's a pitty he's away now :(
aww i want to do it, i just never have the energy and always fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow :-( i must make more of an effort to stay awake!! xx

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