Sweep and plug question


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Hi girls,

Seeing MW today just for check up. As most of you know I'm due for an induction next Thursday if baby girl doesnt come before then but I really dont want it if poss so I asked MW if a sweep would be possible and she text me saying "sweeps are very sore... wil talk more on Thursday" I've got a feeling she'll try and put me off having it... then someone told I can't have it because my cervix was still closed (this was checked a week ago... surely it could've changed since then?) and even if it hasnt can they not do a proper sweep when cervix is closed? (sorry if its a silly question lol)

Second silly question lol I always thought when you lose the plug it looks like snot basically lol but at my antenatal class she said it usually clear and gooey like? So now I'm confused as I've lost loads of the clear stuff and only a tiny bit was a greeny colour but it certainly wasnt loads?!

Hey hun.....not sure on the plug thing but as for sweep u should be offered one at 40 weeks and at 41 weeks......even if they can't actually do the sweep they can still tell u how your cervix is doing!
I wasn't offered one at 40 weeks and therefore had to ask for one this week and am booked for another 2moro (as u prob know!).....I would push her to 'have a try' because it might do something even if she can't do a proper sweep and will help u to know the state of play.
I'm annoyed I wasn't offered one at 40 weeks as the NICE guidelines state you should if it's your 1st baby I think. So u are entitled to one! lol xx

if your cervix is closed they cant do a full sweep but can 'tease' the cervix a little to try and get it to open, whether your MW will do this im not sure ive only had it done in hospital.

the 'show' can be clear as well as blood stained, mine has come away and was like water and blood, i thought my waters had gone but when it was checked it was 'show' next day mucus brown jelly came away in big blob then little bits (TMI)

think everyone is different hun x x
my sweep was very uncomfortable too sorry x but it did the trick xx
It's really annoyed me that they've just booked this induction and case closed for them. Part of me is grateful they've booked it in so at least I know it'll definitely happen on that date if nothing happens naturally. The doctor did an internal last Wednesday and cervix is closed and where it states the consistency of the cervix he circled average and that was that. One of the girls who lives close said she was overdue and she had a sweep and gave birth a couple of days later. Obviously I know it may not happen to me like that but surely its worth a go? Thing is my MW only comes to camp on Thursdays and I dont know whether she'd have to book me for a sweep in advance... if thats the case then I wont be getting one cuz I've got my appointment today with her and next Thursday is induction day :S xx
1.3.1 Membrane sweeping
[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial] Prior to formal induction of labour, women should be offered a vaginal examination for membrane sweeping[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]9[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]. At the 40 and 41 week antenatal visits, nulliparous women should be offered a vaginal examination for membrane sweeping. At the 41 week antenatal visit, parous women should be offered a vaginal examination for membrane sweeping. When a vaginal examination is carried out to assess the cervix, the opportunity should be taken to offer the woman a membrane sweep. Additional membrane sweeping may be offered if labour does not start spontaneously.

This is from the NICE guideline hun (nulliparous means someone who has never given birth- I had to look that one up!)

Hope this helps with your MW xx
To be honest my MW is totally useless :( I hope she can offer me one or book me in with the hospital or something. I'm also confused as to why the doctor didnt just do one last week?! Argh!! xx
i dont think the dr would offer you one last week as you have to be over you due date x

if mw says no really push her to why she wont x so you have a definate answer

with my first i was told they wouldnt do it till i was at least a week overdue x x x
I don't think the dr did one last week hun as u were only 39 weeks.........mw should be able to do one without u going to hospital I would have thought.....mine did!......U still have a week until induction hun and even then u don't have to be induced, it is your choice! xx
Ah good point I was only 39 weeks lol I'll try and get some answers today :) thanks for help girls xxx
Stand your ground Hun - don't let them fob you off xx
my midwife wants to give me a sweep constantly lol they have offered 5 times in 2 weeks (ive declined 2). ive had 3 attempts but cervix is closed so cant even get a finger in. I have yet another attempt booked for 2moro. I requested my midwife do my antenatal appointments at home from 38wks so she has seen me twice a week since wk 40.

you have been using EPO tablets so you could easily have dilated or something. they should be offering you it before they try induce you. but you can always say you dont want the induction until you have had a sweep.

im quite happy to go to '44wks' before induction as i know my exact conception date and my little baby is exactly 40wks today! so really Im not over due yet
I know this sounds strange but I dont want to refuse the induction because if thats what it'll take to encourage labour to begin I'll take it lol would just rather go into labour and be offered a sweep first if you know what I mean lol just been hearnig lots of horror stories about inductions and its scared me a bit... but I'd rather have her out than in lol. And if my cervix was 'average' consistency a week ago and I have been taking and inserting EPO capsules since hopefully it has moved things along a bit. My appointment is at 2pm so I'll let you know how it goes xx

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