Q about OPKs?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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Hi :wave:
I've started using opks this month and for the last 2 days i've gotten 1 nearly positive,2 positives and 5 negative tests.
Problem is,i get negatives inbetween,and then a positive (the line is dark as a control line when +)
I'm so confused,but i did another test now and i've realised that i got 2 possitves at the same time yesterday as i did today.
heres an example..

18.8 - midnight - nearly positive
19.8 - fmu - negative
19.8 - 11am - positive
19.8 - couple of hrs later negative
19.8 - night negative
20.8 - today 10.45 - positive
my temps have still not gone up and i had ewcm on 18,not much yesterday and some today again.

is it possible that my LH surge is nigher at this time of the day? do i count these + tests as real positives or ..?

tia x
Hmm I don't know how you got 2 positives but i know its important to take them at the same time everyday (ideally 2pm) and not to use morning pee. The nearly positive is probably classed as a negative. Maybe you ov twice?? I dunno, I've only started using them too.
It really depends on the strenght of the urine also the LH surge only happens during the day (usually the morning I think :think: ) so FMU will usually give you a negative result on an opk so you can discard that negative.

You need to make sure when your OV testing that you haven't been to the loo for a couple of hours and haven't drunk loads as diluted urine wouldn't be strong enough to give you result.

This month I decided to make sure I was getting the strongest posible test so as I use ebay OPK's I have to pee into something then dip the test stick so when I wanted to test, if the pee wasn't dark enough I didn't test, and tried again next time I went to the loo but wouldn't test until I had something that would give me a result, because of this I got positive's two days in a row so I think the first day my body geared up for OV, didn't for some reason then OV'd the next day (unless it was two eggs on two days :o )

Sorry I've gone on a bit longer than intended :oops: but if your negatives were either with FMU or with weaker urine then you can discard them and you may be like me and geared up for ov didn't then did the next day (or two eggs! :lol: )

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