Pushing pains down below, and tightenings...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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So today, and yesterday I've been having pushing/proding pains down below, really uncomfortable,
Also had a very hard bump and tightenings mainly at the top but some at the bottom of my bump too. Are these BH? x
Can't help there hun. I don't think I've had BH yet. Bump goes hard and tight but stays like it for about 5 mins so pretty sure they aren't BH's.

Hope it calms down, ring the hospital if ur worried xx
I've heard BHs can last a while, mine sometimes can last upto 5mins too.
Actually hoping that the little fella is engaging. x
Im having the same hunni i just put it down to BH xxx
Ahh Joyful, I've only just started getting them. Had a really sharp pain bottom of bump just, took my breath; they are only going to get worse too. Think it was the shock x
Im not as far on as you ladies but they sound exactly the same as Ive been having and yes after speaking to Midwife its braxton hicks some of them are really painfull though!
sounds like baby engaging and BH yeah x
Baby best be the slightest bit engaged next time I go MW, otherwise I'll definately be having a long wait. Thinking its time to invest in a ball and get bouncing. xx
I'm at mw now waiting to see if Pip is engaged or not. Hope he is! Also how he isn't grabbing hold of his cord again cos I don't want another trip to the hospital!
Hope all goes well for you Carly!
You will have to let us all know how it goes, which I'm sure you will =D x
I'm at mw now waiting to see if Pip is engaged or not. Hope he is! Also how he isn't grabbing hold of his cord again cos I don't want another trip to the hospital!

what were the signs that he was doing that??? xx

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