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smoking round my baby


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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Hi what do i do? infact were do i start......

my partners mum smokes she is the only person i no that does, Dior has never been exposed to smoke from the day Dior was born me and kris told his mum no smoking round her she said "yea yea thats fine"
she has Dior every tuesday while i go to wrk the other week i got out of work early text his mum to say im coming to get her early..
but she didnt have her phone on her!!
i walked in.. the room was sooo smoky it stunk rotten it wernt his mum thou, it was her boyfrien of 6months.. i was so angry i just kept my mouth shut and went i told kris he wernt happy but still dont want to cause a row with his mum, me and kris went round this sat with out dior and her boyfriend was smoking in the room were i was, which i also think is real bad seems im preg!

also kris has never seen his dad.. but kris mum is teaching Dior to call her boyfriend of 6months "grandad"

urghhhhh i dont need to ask u lot for advice because i no my self that i should tell her straight but i dont want to cause a row (which it will)

but what advice can u give me on the calling him grandad???

is this right
Hi yah hun i have the same situation with my mum she has a partner of 10 years and she gets my little boy to call him grandad to this does iritate me a little as i dont wont him getting confused in who his grandads are but i never say anything as i dont wont to rock the boat but at the same time i would love to tell her this but somehow never find that i can so i have just left it as im not sure what to do or say??

well of course like you said ide tell them off about the smoking as for grandad, you should maybe ask your OH to talk to them about it and say you guys dont feel comfortable for her calling him that and maybe tell them possible in a few years it might be possible.
Is your OH close to his mom ?
Hope you figure this out and i know how hard it is to tell someone something you dont feel comfortable with.
dionne i think if you and kris are not comfortable with dior calling someone who isnt her grandad, grandad then you need to say something if you dont feel you can then ask kris to have a quiet word with his mum about it, as for the smoking they should have the decency to respect your wishes and respect your childrens health! hope u get it sorted sweetie *hugz*
cheers girls for your advice.

no kris aint close to his mum she is a bit of a fruit cake to be honest.
she loves Dior very much i can tell (some times a bit to much)
and she is the normal iritating granny with she knows best..

but grandad situation i hate it but i wont lose to much sleep over it but smoking its killing me not saying any thing i just really dont want her getting her knickers in a twist over it!

and if she cudnt have Dior on a tues ild be buggered i already pay £70 for a childminder for 2 days
I personaly wouldn't let her call him grandad, not after only six months it will just confuse her but I know it is hard bringing it up. my own dad fell out with me over this. I only see him about once a year and when i had my first she had seen him about 4 times by the age of 2 and had no idea who he was. he turned up with a present and she was calling him "that man" and i never corrected her so not to confuse her cos she has a nice step grandad and i knew she wouldn't see him again for about a year. Well he fell out with me and i haven't seen him since that was 4 years ago. Anyway not eveyone is as childish as my dad and they might understand.
my mum and dad smoke round ewan and i hate it. he stinks of fag smoke when i get home - i tried giving big hints..but it doesnt work - mum goes into the kitchen to smoke but it still comes through - dad smokrs right next to him.
they keep saying they r gonna give up but they havent. i really though that having a grandson might get them to consider their action but no.
i can't stop them from smoking in their own home, and i can't say anything with out them getting the hump! so i know how you feel dionne.

this will sound horrid but in a way i hope ewan gets a cold or a chest infection then i can say don't smoke when he's there as you'll make him worse.... horrid mother i am :cry:
no i no what u mean, im lucky as my mum is 40 and smoked form the age of 14 very heavy smoker and she was paranoid round dior when she was first born she used to have a old night shirt in the kitchen she used to put it on over her clothes go out in the garden to smoke come in take the nightshirt of wash her hands lol but the smell still lingers no mater what in the end it was getin her down so much she woke up one morningt and never smoked again that was 10months ago :) feel sorry for her thou as she has gone up 3 dress sizes because but i keep tellin her how great she is..

as for kris mum urghh. dior got a cold at the mo and so have i and when im round smoke it makes me cough so i no how poor Dior feels Dior was there yesterday and came home stinkin....

My dad dont smoke in his own house when we go over he goes out side cuz i told him if he dont then we wont be comong over with Kiara.
Hes a proud Gandpa so hell do anything.
Hiya I would DEFINITLEY say something about the smoking... it's your babies health we are talking about so it's more imortant than anything else.

As far as "Grandad".... I have a stepdad who refused to be called Grandad, he's been my step-dad since I was 4 and I'm MUCH closer to him than my real dad. However, he says as he's not really Mason and Brody's grandad he'll be called "Pop" instead. It's great and a really cool name for him I think.

What about coming up with another "special" name, like pop or some other name that will only be used for this bloke....that way it won't be confusing for the kids and you don't have to do something you're not comfortable with.

Good luck with whatever you decide :)
Awww hun it is a tough one this hey?
i really think the smoking issue has to be addressed. She can end up with asthma and if she has a cold it will be hell with her chest. I dont think id have been so calm if id have picked Charlotte up and people were smoking around her, so well done! OH family all smoke, but none of them near charlie, or even OH son who's 6. Before she was born i told my mates that they couldnt come any where near her within 3o mins of having a fag!! LOL....im a big hater of smoking can you tell LOL!
Id also find a special name for 'grandad' cos family is soooooo special, not just anyone can be 'grandad'
Hope yo solve it hun, xxxxxxxx

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