Private scan / Alcohol


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Ok I've pulled two threads into one :)

First one is - Have any of you had a private scan to find out the sex earlier than the 20 week scan? A friend told me she did at 16 weeks, so I went on Window To The Womb's website & saw they can tell you from 16 weeks 3 days for £50, I am really tempted to do this! Can they really tell you that soon , or is it a risk that your paying £50 and still may walk away not knowing??

Second is - Alcohol, on Saturday my mum & sister was down, my sister brought some Alcho pops with her, the ones that are about 4% I was really naughty & had 2 small glasses with them, anyway my 13 year old son told my hubby about it, he was really p*ssed off at me, I ended up in tears! I felt so bad, then to top it off my son spotted a program on Living called 'P*ssed and pregnant' so he put it on! Of course it said even one drink can cause your unborn baby to have problems, it even showed a scan of the baby jumping everytime the mother took a drink of alcohol. They both made me feel so bad and I know they had every right too, I shouldn't have done it. But now i'm worried that their right and I have done some damage :cry:
I saw that programme! I wouldn't worry a few weeks before I found out I got trashed on a weekend away with OH and im sure baby is fine! My midwife even said to me everything in moderation! As long as you don't drink that every day or week a one off will be fine. The people who should worry are like the woman on the show that was drinking bottles of vodka!
I hope so! But I have decided it was a one off & i'll be sticking to 7up free from now on!

She was shocking!! I cant believe all she kept saying was 'i'm not gonna be boring and have no life for 9 months' like that made it ok!!! Some people!!!
I also cant believe people never said anything to the pretend pregnant lady that was getting drunk in the street!!
Dont worry hun... think of all the people who drink everyday and their babies are fine!
Someone I work with, his wife is a nutritionist and is from Australia but working over here now. She said really the UK is the most restrictive in terms of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.. and the reason is that basically the doctors etc in the UK dont think women are intelligent enough to know when to stop and to drink moderately...her words not mine!
There is so much conflicting advice out there... I've been drinking non-alcoholic beer when the fancy takes me: generally a friday night with a pizza which is mine and OH's routine. Used to have a glass of mine but now I have a bottle of Becks :)
Its supposed to be healthy to drink guinness for the iron.. and i think red wine is supposed to be good for something too.. or maybe that was just my sisters excuse at my nans 70th :lol:
a couple of little alcopops every now and then wont hurt too much, but obv a bottle of vodka a night wont exactly be smart! my OH has no problem with me having a couple of drinks on special occasions, even encourages me! but was very strict on me stopping smoking understandably..

as for the sexing scan, if you pay for gender youll get gender.. if they cant see, you can go for a walk and come back, if still nothing then you can get up to 2 more free scans to find it... if not by then then youll have to pay again or go without... (not sure if every company is like that but i had a 4d scan (not gender) with my youngest and coz she wasnt seen clear enough to them (i actually thought it was ok!) we came back for the extra 2 times for a better result :)
Really?? I would never have had anymore! But I am in a group on Facebook, its mainly Americans on there and they are having a few glasses of wine a week! So I thought a little bit of weak alcho pop wouldn't hurt, but as I said, never again! Ya know I never thought about having alcohol free! Do they taste alright? I'm guessing they wont taste just as good, but if there not bad, I will give them a try :)
Thanks ladies, I am now starting to feel a little less guilty, but I do understand hubby being p*ssed off with me.

Cool! Thanks! I will have to enquire about that then, if they do then I will book! I also want to have a private scan as my hubby missed the 12 week scan & if we go private we can book it on a Saturday :D
Some people can be a bit 'holier than thou' I find when it comes to things like this. If you are comfortable and it's not to excess (like they say red wine and Guinness have their benefits) I personally would feel more comfortable further along before I drink. As for the foetus in that tv show mine was jumping all over the place and I went cold turkey when I found out! Think that show was full of scare tactics!
I didnt particularly want to drink either.. but OH was fine with it as long as it was only a couple.. think he felt bad he was drinking and i wasnt able to..
Yeah i read when i was preg with J that you can have 6 glasses of wine a week.. not all at once as someone i know decided :roll:

Thats a lovely idea :) its hard when they are unable to make it... the private scans are so personal too.. a wonderful experience :D xx
I think your right Pinky, I mean they had the evidence to back up drinking loads will cause problems, but none to back up if you have the odd one!

Bloody hell, 6 glasses! I think I would be on my back!

Yeah he's really up for the private scan :) Everyone keeps saying its a much better experience! I wouldn't mind having a 3D one as well when I'm around 26 weeks :) x x
I didnt particularly want to drink either.. but OH was fine with it as long as it was only a couple.. think he felt bad he was drinking and i wasnt able to..
Yeah i read when i was preg with J that you can have 6 glasses of wine a week.. not all at once as someone i know decided :roll:

Thats a lovely idea :) its hard when they are unable to make it... the private scans are so personal too.. a wonderful experience :D xx

Haha my OH just drinks more for me! He defo don't feel bad!
Haha! Well coz this lo was very unexpected he feels pretty bad!

The 4d scans are brilliant IMO the later you wait the better the image quality.. Plus it's a nice gap from 12w, 20w to about 28-30w, then 38-40w bubs is here!
Ya know I never thought about having alcohol free! Do they taste alright? I'm guessing they wont taste just as good, but if there not bad, I will give them a try :)

Becks is the only one I have tried. The bottle says its brewed as normal beer and at the end they just remove the alcohol. Im not a big drinker anyway but I couldnt tell the difference to be honest.
Iv heard non alcoholic wine isnt great tho... apparently a bit like gone off fruit juice.
Koppaberg also do a non alcoholic range as well but havent tried that
i'll hold my hands up here!! ive drank twice in this pregnancy.. one was at a friends party.. which was 2 alco pops.. and again the other day (same amount) celebrating the scan.. (Sounds bad i know!) & my babys fine.. we have a woman who lives across the road and her daughters disabled.. why? because her mother drank THROUGHOUT The whole of her pregnancy! not just one drink.. constantly pissed!
Thanks Jomc, will have to give them a try, will avoid the wine tho lol

Omg Katiee, why would someone do that?? I mean having the odd one or two, but constantly being p*ssed, thats really wrong, her poor child :(
god thats awful :( i couldnt live with myself if i done that to my child!!

I know stupid little girls who do coke all the way through and et hammered every weekend but their babys are fine.. makes me angry coz some people who do everything they can for their baby, end up with children with serious health problems :(

I dont see anything wrong with a couple of alcopops every now and then. I went to butlins for a week with the kids in april and had about 3 an evening for 3/4 nights while we were out.. had to stay in the other nights as the kids got that bloody illness at bognor :mad:
Alcohol free beer - brilliant idea! Im gonna try some too. 4D scans are amazing. I went at 16 weeks 1 day and got a very clear view of girly bits. Im going for 20 week scan tomorrow so hopefully all will be confirmed but it was great to see baby again in between the 2 nhs scans and they are much clearer - definately do it!

i've never had a private scan so can't really comment on that one altho quite tempted this time as i got more scans last time due to high bmi but lost a bit of weight before getting pregnant so just having the 2 this time, as for drinking i haven't this time as i have been really sick and can only really drink water at the mo everything makes the sickness worse but with ds i remember having a glass of wine and lemonade xmas day and a couple of drinks new years eve i was about 5 months pregnant then so on special occasions i prob would again (if this sickness ever stops)
god thats awful :( i couldnt live with myself if i done that to my child!!

I know stupid little girls who do coke all the way through and et hammered every weekend but their babys are fine.. makes me angry coz some people who do everything they can for their baby, end up with children with serious health problems :(

I dont see anything wrong with a couple of alcopops every now and then. I went to butlins for a week with the kids in april and had about 3 an evening for 3/4 nights while we were out.. had to stay in the other nights as the kids got that bloody illness at bognor :mad:

Was that sickness bug about in april in bognor? we went in june and it was really bad we were lucky enough not to get it but we did come home from our holiday a bit earlier as i was so worried about one of us getting it and having to travel home!
I had a window to the womb sexing scan! It's absolutely fantastic! They were really patient with me! My baby was feeling reeeally naughty that day I think and decided to cover everything up and wedge herself into a little corner of my womb, so they sent me on a walk and gave me a drink of water and ice, to gt her moving and to fill up my bladder, they also reccomend you have a sugary drink like lucozade about half an hour before you go in, It took 3 tries with mine, in the end we managed to see she was a little girl! I found out at 17 weeks because when I was 16+3 the clinic wasnt open... Hope thats helped xx

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