Private Nursery vs Reception Class?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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For those mummies who put their LO's into private nursery ...

Does your nursery offer a reception class?

Im really stuck on this, im not sure whether to continue to pay and let her do reception class privatley, or just send her to school :wall2::wall2:

Talk about minefield!!
My little girl went to a private nusery from 10 months until just before she turned 3. She could have stayed in their for her free 15 hours nursery place until she was supposed to start school but we had moved house anyway so sent her to a council run pre school/nursery. They definitely don't have a reception class of any sort. Unless you are sending LO to a nursery attached to a private independent school then I wouldn't of thought they would have a reception class. Do you have a school in mind that you want her to have her full time education?

My LO will only just be 4 in August and starts full time school in September - the council said I don't actually legally have to start her until the term she turns 5 if I don't want but she would miss reception and have to go straight to Class 1 - which kind of defeats the object for me! I feel she would probably be even more behind the other children.
Lacey went to a private nursery from 2 and a half until she started school last year.
Tbh she's improved loads since being in reception.
Her speech has improved, she can read and write and has made lots of friends where as at nursery she never played with the other children and wasn't interested in learning! I know every child is different though x x
My little girl had been in a private nursery since sge was 6months old for 2days a week. She is due to start school in 2012 and we have decided to keep her at nursery as she has her friends there and this year they do pre school stuf with her but she is already leaps and bound infront. I want her to carry on having fun with her friends till she starts school with little bits of learning thrown in at nursery and home. U will make the best chice for ur LO. But you can 15hrs free for the pre school year. Xx

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