

Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2006
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Just wondered if this was part of my SPD or if anyone else has experienced it but...

Sort of behind my pubic bone I have this constant pressure pushing down. starting at the line between the bottom of the stomach and top of your foo foo!!! It feels really strange, I am experiencing so many symptoms this pregnancy tat I don't recall from last time :?

Just wondered if anyone else had this?!!
According to my midwife, because you've had a baby before your body feels every little thing that happens so you tend to get a lot more aches and pains with the 2nd and consecutive babies.
kelsey said:
According to my midwife, because you've had a baby before your body feels every little thing that happens so you tend to get a lot more aches and pains with the 2nd and consecutive babies.

Should it be making walking that agonizing though, that why I'm wondering if it's to do with the SPD?
No it shouldn't. I would get it checked out in case its spd.
ivve got the feeling that where my pubes are (obviously the bone) feels like burning like tis pulling appart..i only get it every now and again if i stand up to quick.. or over stretch my legs.. im starting pregnancy yoga tmro.. so hopefully it should strenghten my muscles
lisa&alex said:
ivve got the feeling that where my pubes are (obviously the bone) feels like burning like tis pulling appart..i only get it every now and again if i stand up to quick.. or over stretch my legs.. im starting pregnancy yoga tmro.. so hopefully it should strenghten my muscles

Mines just like a really heavy feeling like something is putting loads of pressure on it, its really strange.
i had that also had that when i went into labor natually. constant pushing an u gotta push real hard then waters went. i see u in 20something weeks hope yours dont come yet :)
I sometimes get a feeling of pressure like a head or some other hard body piece is pushing on one spot.
enn said:
i had that also had that when i went into labor natually. constant pushing an u gotta push real hard then waters went. i see u in 20something weeks hope yours dont come yet :)

and me :? :shock: !!!

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