Preparing to TTC


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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I've been told that taking Folic Acid before conceiving would help when pg, what else should i do to get my body ready for pg?
I think the main thing is a healthy diet.

Folic acid is advised for women ttc (as you wont know you are pregnant until about 2weeks in ( about 4 weeks by the way the Doctors count) and so if you weren't taking it until you found out it'd be a bit late.

Zinc is good for the boys to get their sperms going (and selenium).
I've heard you should try and exercise daily, eat plenty of fruit and veg and take prenatal vitamins (plus F.Acid if you want).

Basically everything we should always be doing to keep healthy! :lol:
Ditto to the above!

Take Folic Acid.
Ensure you are a healthy weight (Ideally - but it's it's dificult I know!!!).
Cut down on alcohol.
If you smoke - give up.
Try to stay relaxed about it, as stress doesn't help!
Stock up on OPK's/Tests from Ebay.
Register with Fertility Friend, and get a thermometer.
Most of all - enjoy trying!!!
I agree with all of the above. I think its important to eat healthily, take folic acid and get your man on Zinc to help his spermies. :D
go to the dentist for a check-up.

Pregnancy can exacerbate existing gum disease/dental problems. You shouldn't have x-rays when pregnant, and should avoid ibuprofen too, so it's a good idea to get any necessary fillings done before TTC. Otherwise you could have nine months of toothache and no pain relief!

If you're on any medications, check with your GP that it's ok to continue with them whilst TTC.

Buy a load of sexy underwear :wink:
Oh thank you for that. I've got a few toothaches so will get along to the dentist ASAP.
The folic acid doesn't actually help you to get pg but it helps against birth defects so if you can take it before you are pg then it's in your system ready for if you do conceive.

The basic of advice is to be in the best of health possible. Eat heathy food and cut out all the nasties like cigarettes, alcohol and caffine and get some excersize in.

good luck
I need to get healthy..I dont' smoke and drink very just need to get excersising. Might have to buy an excersise bike for home...that way i can excersise after baby....Look at me jumping the gun!! LOL
B6 is a good one to top up on. You can find it in bananas, lentils, potatoes......Loola helped me with this info :)

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