Pregnant or wishful thinking?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Have been TTC for a few months now, and after some personal issues, me and hubby thought what the hell, just go for it.

For the past week things have not been normal. I've been getting more cramping than usual and while at work the other day, the worst back ache ever. also my nips are unusually sore. (haven't had them since i started getting boobs, and that was 16yrs ago) . It may just be AF getting ready to rear her ugly unwanted head again, but i'm so desperate for a BFP, that i'm starting to think i'm just looking for symptoms. Also for the past week, have been feeling absolutely shattered. Have just had 2 days off and done nothing but sleep. Also is it too early to be getting symptoms. would have only conceved in the past week and a half.
It's hard to say. It's not too early for symptoms but then again I don't want to get your hopes up.. It could still be af but I really hope not. A test might work, have you thought about testing this early? When is af due?
Thanks PinkPunch. Have no idea when af due. they've always been really irregular so it's really difficult to work anything out. Might do a test on friday, but probably to early to tell. Maybe i should wait patiently for another couple of weeks. and then test. Oh God I hate all this waiting. I've been babydancing my socks off!
its so hard because early pregnancy and pmt are almost the same symtoms, I convinced myself 3 times (three months in a row) that I was pregnant (so much so I ended up being late but as soon I did a test and it was negative I would come on the next day)
I spent a fortune on tests but for me that was better than waiting (I'd rather know one way or the other) its the not knowing that is so hard but good luck love xx

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