Very early symptoms or just wishful thinking???

Hi everyone. I feel so sad for everyone on here at mo as it seems everyone is getting bad news. I've been trying to conceive since Feb with no luck as yet. I convince myself each time that I feel different and this could be it then I'm devastated when I'm wrong.
Good luck to you all, it will happen to all of us in time. Love Julie xxxxx
Hi all

Yes our time will come. I read in a book last night that 60% of couples conceive in the first 6 months, so we're more likely to conceive than not right? I will be onto month 5 this month so chances are that this month or next will be my month. Well. thinking like that makes me feel better anyway!!

Kim xx
Good morning all. Very nervous today as I'm testing tomorrow morning. I just hate that feeling you get when you look at the test and the line isnt there.
Wish me luck, will keep you posted!
Jools xxx
Good luck Jools, fingers crossed for you!!

Baby dust ********* and keep us all updated...

Kim xx
:cry: Hello everyone. Did a test this morning and BFN! I'm only a day late so trying not to get too down. If AF isnt here in a few days will test again. Cant help feeling a bit down hearted though.
Love Jools xxx
Aw I'm sorry Jools! I hope you get the news you're waiting for soon! Same goes for Lindsey, Kim and Shez. Hopefully you'll be posting BFP very soon!

I just wish i knew so i make sure i do things right. I'm due on wed so i'll see it i get AF and if not I might test on Friday?
My last AF was 24/03 so I think i'm due on wed, i'm not sure as i've just come off the pill.

Love Vicky x

Really hate the waiting game but don't we all!!. I should have had af last saturday so 3 days late so far. I tested on Friday but BFN but hopefully it was too early - so I'm leaving it another few days and if no show, I'll test again. But like you I only came off the pill recently so not sure if thats to blame. We will have to see!!

Fingers xed for all of us.

Hi all.
Got AF this morning so another month of trying! I'm trying to stay positive, there's a lot of people worse off than I am and I've only been TTC since Feb so plenty of time yet!

Vicky and Sheree, I have my fingers crossed for both of you. Hopefully AF wont make appearance and you'll both get BFP.

Good luck and keep us posted
Love Jools xxxx
Jools - sorry you got af - remember hun there is always next month.

I''m still waiting for af (CD33 now) and stomach is still really bloated, hard and crampy. I don't want to test too early though.

Fingers xed.
Ooh Shez I'm exited to see if you get a BFP!! I've got really similar symptoms to you. If you are late then you should be able to test now, shouldn't you? Are you five days late?

Jools, so sorry you got af. At least you can start taking the right vitamins etc and get yourself as healthy as possible before you fall pg :)

I'm due tomorrow so i'll keep you posted! xx
Hi, Toriella

Feel we are in the same boat at the same time, dont youl. I test tonight after work (not sure if the best time) but it was a BFN. Evenso still feeling ill. Mother in law said she had exactly the same symptoms when she was pg.

Think I'm going to leave it now until the weekend and test again and then book myself in for a blood test at the doctors.

Keep me informed when you test - I've got all my fingers and toes xed for you now.

Take care. Sheree
I am totally new to this whole thing so forgive me if I seem confusing. I am a single 33 y/o woman who is TTC on my own. I have chosen to use a sperm donor. I have been inseminated twice. My first time didn't work and had to do it again. I was totally and completely heartbroken when AF arrived after first insemination. I just couldn't imagine not getting PG. I kept telling myself that "my little soldiers" didn't have to do much marching...all they had to do was dive bomb in and it would work, but apparently it wasn't all that easy. The first insemination was with out a doubt the most painful thing I have ever been through. When I had the second one done my dr (male) was out of the office so another physician (female) did it for me. At first I wasn't too crazy about having a woman in my "private area", but I was ovulating and decided that I would let the devil himself do it if it meant me getting pregnant. And I must admit that when the female physician inseminated me it was not even a tenth as painful as the first time. I guess she has a cervix and knows to be more gentle. I am now seriously considering changing drs., but I have had the same one since I was 16, so I am not sure what to do now. My next AF is not due for six more days, but the anticipation is KILLING me. Two days ago I cramped all day long. Could that have been implantation cramping?
I want a child so bad. I have been dreaming the craziest things for the last three months or so. My mom says it is because of everything that I have been going through lately. Last night I dreamed that I had a baby and was trying to breast feed it and it hurt so bad....I looked down and my nipple was bleeding and only hanging on by a thread. I woke up right after that. Last week I had a dream that I was visiting my dad (who passed away two years ago this month) and my step mom. They had a friend who had a year old child and had just given birth to another baby and she gave it to me........she told me there was something wrong with it though....IT HAD A TAIL!!!!!!!!, it also had a full set of teeth and could talk and was only one day old!!!!! Now tell me that isn't weird?!?! I wish I could interpret my dreams....then again maybe not.
I am sorry to have rattled on and on, but it is just so hard to talk to the people in my life without them all looking at me like I am losing my ever loving mind. Has anyone else out there been having the "weird dream syndrome"?

I just want to be some one's Mommy so bad it literally hurts sometimes.
I just got myself a new ticker and it has really upped my spirits......thought it might help some of you as well. Go to and get your own.
I tested tonight and it was BFN. I'm still not convinced either way though. I have been feeling so different lately but who knows. Might go to the dr's on wed if af still isn't here.

Has anyone else been testing?

Vicky xx
:cry: Hi Vicky,
Sorry to hear about BFN!
Stay positive and hopefully AF wont come and you can test again and get BFP.
I think May is my month for BFP! My partner feels it too. Sounds silly I know but just have to believe it eh?!
Good luck, keep us informed.
Love Jools xxxx
Hi, toriella

I went to the doctors tonight so I can have a blood test (will have one on monday when the office opens). Still no sign of it but still feel quite ill, doctors thinks i might have a water infection but he also mentioned that as i had a normal bleed 30 days after my pill bleed mid feb that it is likely the pill has settled down in my system and things could be ok.

I'm hoping for a BFP but i don't want to get my hopes up as i know it will be a big fall down otherwise if i get a negative.

let me know what happens the next time you test.

Hey Jools,
I would be glad to help you. After you have created your ticker and it gives you the codes, copy and paste the second code (for UBB based forum posting) into you signature. I believe you copied and pasted the third one (for EZBoard forum posting). Make sure that in your profile that you have allowed HTML. I hope this helps. If not just let me know and I will see if I can give better directions.

BABY DUST TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
:D Thank you so much Moonpiesb,
Just couldnt figure that out at all!
You're an absolute star!
Love Jools xxx
Hi Moonpiesb,
Just thought I'd ask, why are you using a sperm donor rather than waiting for the right guy?
Tell me to mind my own business if you want but I'm just curious!
Love Jools xxx

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