Af or a sign...?

just come back from my dinner and went to the toilet where i found that it was a 'reddish' colour when i wiped - tbh im kinda thinking now that AF might be on the way - although usually when AF comes she just comes full on - not with little patches *sorry if TMI) :oops:

i really hope she doesnt come - but im thinking she is!!!!

if she does come - im not gonna worry too much - there is always next month ehh ladies :hug: :)
hope she stays away.... but if not have a nice big glass of wine and enjoy the ttcing next month

good luck :hug:
well i think ladies AF is well and truely on her way now - im starting to get stomach cramps and back ache like i get when she is arriving :cry:

ohh well - better luck next month girlies

GOOD LUCK for tomorrow Lily :hug:
NO!!! you were gonna be my test buddie!! :hug:
i've had cramps 2day and thought i felt wet down there :)oops: tmi sorry)
but nothing so far
i'll stil txt u and let u knoe how i get on
yeah thanks lily - good luck my fingers are crossed for you chick :hug: :pray:
ah sorry hun... :hug:

the good thing is that its a proper AF after stopping pill so your body must be getting back to normal... lots of luck for next month!
thanks nikki - its so difficult with DF away and only home at weekends - i feel like i will never get that BFP bcoz (knowing my luck!) i will OV on the days he aint home :(
ah it must be hard but it will happen for you :hug:
this might make me sound thick but....

do you OV at the same time every month?!?!?

coz if you do - i will have no chance - but if you dont then maybe i will have a chance?!? also i think DF will be home for 3 weeks at the begining of April so..fingers crossed!?
not necessarily as it depends on your cycle lengths... most people OV 12-14 days before there next AF is due.

When i came off pill my cycles were between 26 and 34 days so that meant i would OV from day 14 to day 20 (if that makes sense). You might be lucky and have regular cycles but this is the reason i found charting my temp useful

sorry tried not to confuse you!!

if you are an average person who had a 28 day cycle you are likely to ovulate on day 14 (14 days before next AF).

If you had a 30 day cycle you will ov around day 16.

The 2nd half of the cycle is the Luteal phase and this is normally 12- 14 days so i am basing the above examples on the luteal phase of 14 days (which is about average)

Hope this hasnt confused you more!!

Yes you will ovualte the same tiem each month but when you do wont nessaccary be the same time as others depending on your cycle lengh, i have 32 day cycle and i ovulate day 21 each month

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