Very early symptoms or just wishful thinking???


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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Hi all

I was just wondering if you could have symptoms of pregnancy immediatley after conception? For the last week I have been really bloated and gassy, and last week for about 2 days I had tender BBs. I was due to ovulate around the end of last month (give or take few days). I know it's probably wishful thinking and there's some other reason for it but just wondered if anyone knew. Any advise would be great, thanks a lot.

Kim x
All the things you say sound like preg symptoms but like you say it is easy to start imagining them. Hopefuly your not. With my first preg my sore boobs were the first symptom around 3 weeks after conception. With my second preg I knew from V early... I could recognise that "feeling" from just after conception. I guess it was just a wierd taste in my mouth and sick feeling. I didn't know my cycle so did a test which was neg, i did another one a few days later which was a very faint possitive and on my scan the positive one was only 1 week after conception.

Anyway fingers crossed.

Thanks Gemma

I'm really tempted to test but worried that I will be disappointed if I get a BFN. I don't know what to do!!

Kim x
Hiya Kim

If you have a test in the house go for it!! If it's BFN then just think that you tested too early and try again in a few days!!

Let us know how you get on
Sending lots of baby dust!
Hi Lindsay/Gemma

Just did a test and it was BFN. Down to 3 now, I can see them all going before AF due!! Disappointed but as you said, probably too early anyway. Thanks for your support.

Fingers crossed for 16th (day my AF will almost definatley be overdue)

Kim X
Hi Kim

Yeah it's probably way too early Lol!!!! My AF is due on 14th / 15th but I have not had any symptoms at all so it doesn't look good! Wouldn't it be good to all get a BFP! Although I have resigned myself that this month won't be my month again! Will have to keep trying :wink:

Take Care Xx
Hey Lindsay

When you say no symptoms, do you mean no sypmtoms at all or no pregnancy symptoms? If no symptoms at all (ie no AF symptoms) then thats good news, depending on whether you normally get PMT, because if no PMT, that can only mean 1 thing!!

I have never felt so in tune with my body, I know absolutely everything that's going on, the slightest cramp, headache, sore boobs, belly bloating, it's MAD!!

My partner has been away for a few days and he comes home later tonight so I am very happy, but also very weepy, hope it's not PMT, I'm so confused...

Kim xx
Hiya Kim

I have had no symptoms at all - no AF symptoms or no Preggy symptoms - nothing!!!!

I was thinking about it yesterday and I haven't had the chocolate urge (yet) which I usually get or PMT (where DH really annoys me for no reason at all - bless him!) but don't know whether they will come next week, AF is due next fri 15th. We shall wait and see, but as I said this month doesn't feel as though it will be the month for me.

How are you getting on - did AF turn up yesterday? When you going to do another test?

Good Luck ........
Hi Lindsay

No AF yet, should have been due today if cycle was the same as last month (25 days) but the month before was 30 days so could be due Fri. Tested this morning and got BFN, but still may be too early. Gonna test again mid-week and if still no AF Saturday, test again. I have had cramping (since 28th March!!) and mood swings in the last couple of days, but no breast tenderness and no chocolate craving (I get that too!!). They do say that PG symptoms are similar to PMT so not sure what to think really.......

You may be pleasantly surprised if you are thinking this is not your month, I really hope we all get BFP. I'll be nearly as excited if one of you get BFP as I would if I got it ha ha!! I feel we have all become good friends and hope to keep chatting whatever happens. Who knows, soon we might all shift our posts to the 'first trimester' board!!

Fingers crossed and we will have to let each other know what happens next weekend as we are all due at the same time, which is bizarre.

Baby dust to all ***

Kim x

I am sorry that you got another BFN - which tests are you using? I have been using first response which can detect from as early as 4 days from when AF is due.

The waiting is awful. You get your Af, feel gutted then wait for it to be over so you can start BDing, BD constantly then wait to see if Af is going to arrive......and it's the same every single month LOL!!!

I have had slight pains in the left hand side of my lower stomach this afternoon....I don't think I was imagining them! so not sure if that means Af is on it's merry little way. Will have to keep waiting, haha!

Hi Lindsay

I have been using some I got cheap off the internet, called PREGNOW, just little sticks that you dip into the urine for 15 seconds. I have read conflicting info on how early they can be used, some sites say 3 days before AF, some say, the days AF is due?? Hoping I have been testing too early, or that AF just isnt due yet...

I have a clear blue test and a predictor test, which are a lot better, but both say wait until the day of your missed AF, but when you don't know when you're due, that's hard! It does say that if your cycle is irregular, to wait until the day after your longest cycle, which is Saturday (my longest cycle is 30 days, Sat will be day 31) and I just can't wait for then!! I panic ever time I go to the loo in case AF has arrived, and what if I test Sat and get a BFN, but still no AF, I hadn't even thought of that one!! I guess if AF shows, it will be like you said, wait until O to start BDing, then wait for AF again, such a bind. But when we do get PG, it will be a whole host of different worries no doubt!

Ah well, rant over, I'll keep you informed of any progress.

Baby dust ***

Kim xx

It's so good to be able to talk to others who totally understand how I am feeling. I have had all these conversations with my mum about not knowing when to test cos never know when am due. My longest cycle was 52 days (imagine that!!) but that was when I had only been off the pill for a month or so, then they seemed to be around 40 days. Last month it was 35 days, I am now at day 27. I have found it easier to predict since using OPK, last month Af turned up 13 days after detecting surge with OPK, it says on lots of internet sites that generally Af turns up between 10-14 days after O. If my Af turns up 14 days after 0 my cycle will be 32 days so it is definately becoming more regular.

sending baby dust by the bucket loads ..... xxx
Hi everyone

I don't know what's wrong with me I was fine, then all of a sudden I couldn't stop crying for no reason, then as soon as it started it stopped and I was fine again???

Any ideas?

Kim x
Hiya Kim

I have times like that! I put it down to getting myself that worked up whether I am PG or not!!!! It's all strange.

I have been having a bit of brown spotting today - the same happened last month so Af is more than defo on it's way which makes me feel sad. :(

Hope you have more luck than me ......

Hey Linsday

Sorry about the spotting, however, you could be wrong, never give up hope!!

I have had no AF symptoms at all yet. I hate even writing that as I feel like I am tempting fate, but I can't lie. I am really positive this month, but also apprehensive (if that makes sense??!!)

I feel 'different' and am glad I have got past the 25 days mark, as I am now 'late' judging by last months cycle. But I wont be testing again til Wed morning (28 days) as I can't face the diappointment. I am beginning to enjoy the not knowing, it's better than getting a BFN lol!!

Yesterday I was the opposite, I was almost wishing for AF to turn up just so I knew, crazy as it seems. Well I'm gonna keep BDing, just in case I got my dates mixed up or whatever, and hope for the best.

Love Kim xx
Hi Kim

Hope it's good news. I was like you very recently. I tested early and got a faint positive and tested again and had slightly better reading and now I'm 8 weeks prg. with baby 1.

I had absolutely no early symptons I just felt that I was pregnant and I did notice more pronounced moles/freckles but I didn't realise at the time that that could be a sign (not always though)

Good luck
Hey Happy

Tested this morning and got BFN (but still could be too early). When in your cycle did you get a BFP?

Kim x
Hi again

It was a First Response test about 2 days before period was due. Another cheaper test didn't bring a positive so I'd go for the best you can afford.

Don't despair though if it's negative. I hit jackpot on 2nd attempt with very active mid cycle athletics!!

Keep us posted.

Hi Happy

Got my AF this morning :(

Not taken it too well as really thought this could be my month...

Kim x
Sorry to here you got af this morning. I'm in exactly the same situation and its constantly a waiting game when af is due. been ttc since mid feb and got first af 30 days later even though on the pill i had a perfect 28 day cycle. I'm now due on today if I'm going by the 30 day cycle and no show up to now. Even so for the past fortnight I have had a really bloated belly to a point I have had to buy elasticated trousers so I am more comfy (even posted for some advice), indigestion first thing in themorning and late a night, dry skin/spots and cramping now but not sure if this is because it could be my lucky month or just that af is coming. I tested yesterday with a cheap kit even though a day early and got a BFN but if there is still no soon will test again next month.

At least we're all in the same boat - sure our time will come soon.

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