Af or a sign...?


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Hiya not sure if you have read what i put in 'symptoms' but thought i would just post here -

for the past week or so i have been getting increased discharge and then today there was a pinky colour when i wiped (sorry if TMI :oops: ) BUT there are absolutly no signs of AF at all.

anyone know what it could be?!? :think:
when is af due?

As could be plantantion bleed

it was due 2 weeks ago BUT i only came off pill about 2 months ago (if that!)
have u not had a proper period since comming off pill then?

Well have you tested?

As 2 weeks late good sign? or if ya tested it could still be your pill in your system at mo stopping af and might be on way

good luck hun

well i tested a couple of weeks back when AF was due - BFN - but i am not holding my hopes up as i know that it could simply be because i have recently come off the pill.

i have been very moody these last few days though....and increased discharge!?

ohh gonna wait and see - if i still havent come on in next 2 days i will test i think

helloooo ladies - well after my little 'red wipe' yesterday AF still hasnt arrived and i am showing no signs that she is on her way - any ideas why that could have been?! :think:
maybe implantation? although it sounds a bit late for that? :?

good luck anyway :hug:
when u gonna test?
i'm testing 2moro if the witch stays away
i've had more CM 4 about a wk too so i hope this is a good sign
im not sure whether to test - i mean, i cant be pregnant....can i?!? i dont know, i have also been getting very bad headaches over the past few days too!

AND i cannot stop eating - im gonna look like a beached whale soon - i seriously cannot stop eatings - as soon as ive finished eating, im getting up and getting something else to eat :shock: :shock:

not sure whether to test..... :think:
lol @ manda....calm down woman!!! :lol:

do you think there may be a chance - i think i am just getting my hopes up - i MIGHT go to my mates tonight and get one of her cheapy ones (shes always got loads!)

as long as the wtich dont arrive today.....
if u want we can do it together tomorrow???
well it will be a bit difficult becuase i only come on here at work (so mum cant see im TTC!)

and i will only know later if im going to my friends to get the test - could be my 'testing buddy' and give me your number and i will do the test as soon as i get up in the morning and txt you if you want?! as long as bloody WITCH doesnt turn up :hug: :lol:

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