Very early symptoms or just wishful thinking???

To be perfectly honest, I am 33 y/o and I am ready to have a child and have absolutely no prospects of a man. This is not something that I just decided to do over night. I have been wanting to do it for some time now, but people kept talking me out of it telling me to wait on Mr. Right. Well, he hasn't come along and if/when he does he will more than likely already have children and not want anymore...and if he doesn't already have children then we can have children together also. If he has a problem with me having a child by a sperm donor then he isn't Mr. Right. I don't want to wait until it is too late to have children because I am waiting on a man that may never come. I know that women can have children later on in life, but I don't want to be too old to enjoy them or not live to see them accomplish things in their life. Does that make any sense?
Hi Moonpiesb,
That makes total sense and I'm sorry for being nosey!
I'm sure the right man will come along one day and like you said, you will probably extend your family further with him then.
All the best to you,
Love Jools xx
I didn't think you were being too nosey. I hear that same question all the time. Mostly from the men in my life; who by the way, are already married and have children of their own. They tell me that I don't know what I am getting myself into having a child by myself, that it is a lot of work. I know it is not going to be a walk in the park all of the time, but I also know that women raise children on their own all of the time; some of them by choice and some not. I have thought about it for a while and I don't know everything that the future holds, but I do know that no matter what, I will love my child with every fiber of my being. I have done more praying since all of this started than I ever have before and with God on my side I know that things will work out.

BABY DUST TO ALLL!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, all

Just wondering if anyone's got any updates???

I've just come back from holiday and still no sign of my af yet - on CD 51 today as well - getting rather fed up now!!

Shall I test again do u reckon?? even though blood test proved to be negative???

Baby dust to us all
Love Sheree
hi there i have just been reading through and my fingers are crossed for all of you, think u should do another test doc's can be wrong or it might have been too soon!!!

Good luck all of you!!!!!

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