Pregnant, miscarried, two weeks later feel pregnant again?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2016
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So I was about 4 weeks pregnant and then miscarried. It was never completely determined but always "probable" my hcg the first time was 425, second time 260 and a week later 270...I just did another one but haven't gotten results yet. I just feel almost how I did when I found out I was pregnant. I took 5 pregnancy tests and each one a strong positive within seconds. Now my breasts are even bigger than when I was pregnant. They were bigger while pregnant but seems to have noticeably increased in size. I'm also still bloated and gained weight even though I haven't been eating very much. Is it normal for symptoms to increase after miscarriage? Or for your hcg levels to not go down after a week?
I'm not totally sure Hun but I would of thought if you were having a miscarriage your levels would continue to go down. Hope you find out soon X
When did you have the miscarriage Hun?

I would ring your Dr and ask for advice, it doesn't sound right to me, could you have caught pregnant straight after your miscarriage maybe ?. x
Sorry to ask but have you had a scan and miscarriage confirmed? Xxxx
Is this totally implausible but could you have been pregnant with multiples and lost 1 of them?

Also I have read that it is not unheard of to get pregnant again whilst miscarrying.

Thank you all for your responses! It was never actually "confirmed" to be a miscarriage, just threatened and probably. Initially I did a scan and they did not see anything but said it could be because I was so early. So I'm not sure. Hopefully this next HCG reading will clear it up. I know I shouldn't do this but I took another pregnancy test that gave me a quick positive and it's been three weeks now since I've had the threatened miscarriage. So idk if that is normal at all or not.
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I was going to say could it be that you were carrying more than one . I hope you get the results quickly. I think you are very much still pregnant though to be getting strong positives after 3 weeks xxx
I think it's worth trying to get a scan of I'm honest. Thinking of you as regardless this can't be nice xxxx
I too was told I'd had a m/c at 4 weeks as I had had a small bleed and the emergency GPs pregnancy test gave a BFN. I have had no further bleeds and no clotting at all. Upon reading how unreliable Dr preg. tests can be in very early pregnancy I did my own using a Clear Blue (with weeks indicator) at home and have had a BFP every week since. I also went to my own GP the week following the suspected m/c and her test showed a faint positive reading. I am now 6+5 and have my first official GP pregnancy appointment tomorrow so fingers crossed the test is still a BFP.

I have also had symptoms, including tender breasts, feeling nauseous and tired out. The GP I saw most recently said small bleeds can be very common in pregnancy but it could be that I lost one but am still pregnant with another. My GPs wouldn't test my HCG levels or refer me for a scan at 4 weeks :(

Have you had any news as yet? I hope things are going well despite the worry you've had x
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