Pregnant & making choices


New Member
Oct 30, 2012
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Hi guys,
I'm a first timer, and ive been trying to make choices about whether to breast feed, mix feed or feed from just the bottle.
I know when mix feeding you can breast feed and feed the baby formula in a bottle, do that my partner can get that special bond too.
But I was wondering if it would be better for the baby to be bread fed and if I can use a breast pump so my partner can feed baby as well.

As I'm expecting it's confusing me at what I should do, and which is a better choice. Does anyone have any advice?

Breast feeding will always be the best for baby as its milk designed especially for your baby.

But for various reasons not everyone manages to do it.

If you want to try breast feeding I'd just do it and go with the flow- if your OH wants to do some feeds then you can express once you've established breastfeeding

To me it's a no brainer- give BF a go and hopefully it'll be fine for you x
Breast feeding is best with the right support behind you. It was a no brainer for me first time round but had a great deal of support from family and friends and also a local baby cafe, without the baby cafe I would not have exclusively been able to feed my son BM, (pumped when went back to work)
I combi Fed from 4 weeks i for some reason dippite having a lot of milk couldn't express lol. Main thing with that is you must wait a month or so to establish your supply if you supplement with formula too soon your supply might dry up so will take commitment with breastfeeding exclusively for a little while. I will prob combi feed again if my supply allows it worked well for us

pickle and poppets mummy taptaptapping
Personally I don't buy into the whole dads only Being able to bond when bottle feeding there are plenty of other things he can do.

I would definitely give BFing a go. Find out where the nearest Baby Cafe is and pop a long even before LO is born. Xx

I bf and express, lo has 2 bottles if my milk in the night, I find I express more at night than she takes in a bottle! I bf through the day! It's a personal choice and its one you can't really make until lo is here, ultimately lo will be the decider! X
Dads can have their binding time changing.nappies, giving a bath etc. It doesnt.have feeding.
If you.choose mixed feeding from the very beginning,.it will mostly.not work out as its supply-demand thing. If you give baby formula,.your body.will produce less milk.
Breastfeeding doesnt unfortunately work for everyone but all you can do is try and see. Be aware though that first 6 weeks are likely to be tough as the supply is established then

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i breast feed and im happy with dexters health/progress but i do fine myself going abit stir crazy with exhaustion as he wont suck from a bottle so cant express and its sooo tiring being up all night as he wants to suck mainly for comfort and wont take a dummy x
I know if i get my milk this time i would defiantly combi feed as its so nice to have a break and DH does the night feeds which is heaven!
I breast fed and also expressed so other people (hubby, my dad) could give her a bottle. But it's definitely not the only way to bond with baby, if you choose to bf there a million ways for your partner to get involved and bond other than bottle feeding. I think you have to be fairly determined you want to bf in order for it to be a success though as it can be hard and tiring at times in the early stages.
Breast feeding is best for your baba but you also need to feel comfy doing it , a happy mummy makes a happy baby . Xxx
I've breast fed from start. Do express so DH can give bottle but that's nothing to do with bonding. I do it to give me a break so I can go get hair done, go fitness class or even make dinner. DH and LO are bonding perfectly well without feeding. DH does bath every nite and watches nursery rhymes on laptop - just a couple of daddy and baby times :)

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