Pregnant for 5 negative test after bleeding


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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I was delighted when I discovered a week and a half ago that I was pregnant (after trying for only three months). I changed my lifestyle immediately to accomodate my little miracle.. I did the best I could but unfortunately started to bleed two nights ago. I went straight to the hospital where they examined me but told me that it was too early to scan me. I began to pass blood clots but kept my feet up throughout the worrying time (with the help of my mum, dad and husband). I have done a test tonight which has turned out negative...I am gutted. I need advice as to when we can try again... PLEASE HELP!
I am very sorry for oyur heartache. In 2002 Nov at 6 weeks I heard the heartbeat and had a great U/S ... at 8 weeks nothing. It turned out I had a tear in the placenta and I had a D and C at 10 weeks. It is probably not the most conforting, but at least you passed things naturally. In Oct 2002 I had a blighted ovum (empty sac) at 6 weeks ... my levels continued to increase, so I didn't want to believe I wasn't truly pregnant ... again had a D and C at 10 weeks.

I am now about 4.5 weeks pregnant ... I think, and scared to death.
Ovualation was March 3rd-6th. My periods are very irregular.

As far as WHEN you can try again ... it is recommended to have 2 normal periods before conceiving again. Giving your body a chance to release all unnatural tissues.

P.S. I have 3 fabulous children, which were 3 healthy and wonderful pregnancies .. they are 10y, 7y and 5 y ... I am 37y and I am hoping for my 4th miracle!

I hope this helps. Keep your chin up. God Bless!
Thanks for your reply. I am sad to hear about your bad luck. This is what I am scared of - repeated miscarriage. I am going to be so careful next time (I had alot on in work with my first pregnancy and was working 13 hour days - I was unable to rest). It is lovely to hear that you have other children and very encouraging. I just think that miscarrying is natures way of saying all isn't well with the new little life.
Hello Julia ...

I know it can be nerve racking ... stay positive. I never thought anything about my first 3 pregnancies ... I found out about 6 weeks with the other 3 and had U/S about 10 weeks and went through normal pregnancies. I NEVER thought the unfortunate circumstance of the past two would have happened to me. The other 3 were sooo easy. I only read or heard of others miscarrying ... then it happened to me. It was extremely difficult for me and it took along time for me to get over it. But, then I saw into the other 3 sets of eyes and noticed my miracles were right in front of me and they were HERE and needed me. I thank God daily. I think the empty say a year later was truly a fluke of bad luck. Like you said, it is God's way of releasing an unhealthy pregnancy. I prayed many times and asked over and over .... "I want another baby so bad, but I beg you, please don't even let me get pregnant if its not going to be a healthy pregnancy. I can't go through another miscarriage." The empty sac was easier to deal with because there wasn't really a pregnancy. Now I am pregnant again. I have to beleive this is meant to be.

Finding out I was pregnant this time was a complete shock. I really stopped thinking and hoping for it before Christmas 2004. I think this is why it happened ... I was relaxed and enjoying my husband the few months. I think ovualtion was March 3-6th and conception the 5th-7th.
Which would be 3 weeks post ovualtion and 5 weeks pregnant.

My first Hcg level was last Monday 3/21= 149 (2-3wks post ovualtion) and on Th 3/24 =286 (2-3wks post ovualtion) ... It isn't the strongest level ... but it is definitly in the range for my pregnancy dates. I will go again tomorrow 3/28 ... I am really hoping for levels over 1100!! This would be a good sign of a viable pregnacy.

It is said your levels are suppose to double every 2 or 3 days ... The reasons for my previous losses was that my progesterone level was low. This time I started on progesterone ASAP and have been taking it for several months. That level has been pretty good at 32! Yea! On April 12th, I will go for my first U/S ...

Say a prayer for me for tomorrow. I do have Hope. This Easter service this morning was fantastic! The gosple was about " Be not afraid ~ Don't let fear take over. Let go and trust in God" So, I beleive that was a sign, i need to let go and trust in God and not be afraid ... because all will be OK. Today I have had a very good day.

I will say ... with all my pregnancys I really didn't have nausea, I don't this time either ... but, I do remember being tired a lot in the first trimester ... guess what? I am VERY tired the last 4 days. Heck I took a nap today from 4:30-7pm! And I have a lot of cramping ... I think it is the uterus making room for this baby to grow. So, what do you think? Pretty good signs, yes?

Thanks for letting me vent. I am sorry for rambling on.

Have faith ... I truly beleive when you least expect it, it will happen. Eat right, stay positve and enjoy life. Your miracle is waiting.

I hope you had a nice Easter. I look forward to talking to you again. I sometimes think that the reason of my previous losses and my current pregnancy is to talk to people like you and give you hope. Even when there is a loss ... you can get pregnant again.

God Bless ... and thanks again!
Hi Julia,
Sorry to hear about your loss. I too had a miscarriage this time last year and also a posible miscariage two weeks age! I think deconcado is right , you need to forget about trying and relax and it will happen when you are not expecting it. I was hopeing I would be pregnant again by tomorrow which will be the anniversary of my miscarriage and was delighted when I did a test which came out a faint positive but then my period started and I did another one to find a negative! :think: I felt so confused and went to my doctor who wasnt very nice and said I wasnt pregnant and now i feel like my body and mind was playing tricks on me! Have just found out one of the girls at work is 3 months gone and that brought me down again! Daconcado, please can you tell me how to sort out my progesterone as I have suffered hormonal problems in the past and im now wondering if I dont have enough of the right hormones in my body! Congratulations on your BFP and I pray that you will have a healthy pregnancy.

Nichola X :moon:
First off let me start by saying I am sorry for your sorrow ... Also, please note this post I wrote was from ONE YEAR AGO ... The good news is my miracle #4 is a beautiful baby boy 4 1/2 months new!!! He's awesome and very healthy!!!

Now, let's see ... Reminder, I AM NOT A DOCTOR ... So I encourage you to find someone you trust and like ... if your current doctor is not pleasant, find someone else. The internet is also a huge wealth of information.

All I can tell you, is if your progesterone levels are low after conception, it is very hard to hold onto the pregancy. You need high levels of progesterone the first 10-20 days after concetion to have a strong placenta ... your pitutary gland produces the hormone proesterrone. For ME, what I needed to do, was take progesterone for 10 days the same time every month, this helps your body get onto a regular cycle. And then when you do conceive your levels should be fine. Now, this is only if you have a progesterone problem ... Another hormone problem could be your FSH level ... if that is the case then it is recommended to be on a medication called bromocriptine which helps to regulate this level. Do you have regular periods? If you do not, it could be your FSH level. Again, I remind you, I am not a doctor ... so please check with a health professional before starting any medications or treatments.
Well, I hope this helps ... and again, check the internet for information on hormones, the pituatary, progesterone levels and FSH levels.
Keep your chin up ... and try to relax ... I have been blessed with 4 miracles when I was told, I might not be able to conceive. you are in my prayers. God Bless!

~ S
How funny, Didnt realise you had posted that a year ago! :oops: Thanks for your reply though and im glad to hear you had a healthy baby and a family. It is nice to hear good news on this forum and a shame the good news doesnt overtake the bad for most of us out there. :( i have been feeling very emotional today and thinking how quickly time goes by and how impatient i am! My periods are always spot on the 28th day which is good so it is easier to work out. I am thinking of getting those ovulation sticks but I do get bad cramps on around the 14th day so this is usually a sign! I didnt realise that a hormaonal imbalance can be treated and the more I think about it the more I believe it. Changing doctors may be an idea as mine wont help me. My cousin is a midwife and she told me to swallow my boyfriends you know what to get my body used to the male hormone, My boyfriend likes this idea but im not up for it! Think she was taking the piss! :shock:
Nichola x

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