Negative test...


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Well ladies,

Just did a HPT just to see how much my hcg level has dropped and the test was 100% negative....absolutely no line at all...

I know thats the best thing and the right result cos it shows that my body is sorting itself out and i'm miscarrying naturally, which i know is the best thing under the circumstances...

it's just a little hard to take as this time last week i had probably the darkest lines ever! so it shows just how quickly it's all happened...which again i know is best for me...

so that's it...clean slate....ready to get myself sorted and ready to try again at the end of May.

can't stop thinking about when bean actually stopped developing.....but i know while it's still in situ your body still thinks you're pregnant which is why you still get the positive tests and symptoms etc.....but with the amount of blood i have had, i think it probably stopped developing a couple of weeks ago...

sorry if this is too much info for some....just helps getting my thoughts out on here...

I'm so sorry hun, as you say at least your body is doing the right thing, doesnt make it any easier though.

Hope you are ok :hugs::hugs::hugs:
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yeah im absolutely full of cold which isnt helping, it's making me feel miserable and poorly! x
Hope the cold goes soon and you are feeling slightly better soon all things considered.
It is amazing how the body deals with things but it doesn't make it any easier for those going through it. Nature can be the most wonderful thing and can also be the most evil thing.
Hope you and Sam are taking care of each other and you are dealing with this together, my Gran always used to say "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", I think this is the case with you.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you that everything sorts itself out naturally and you have your 27ish week bump at your wedding. x
thanks my lovely....yeah we are okay and helping each other..he has been my little rock, bless him

good news about the hpt hun, i got a negative yesterday too so we can both start again!
sorry your unwell probably run down :hug:
Feeling poorly cant be helping you much at the moment, but at least one positive is that your body seems to have bounced back quite quickly from it all.

You cant dwell on the past to much sweetie it can be a sad place to live in. Just believe that your body is gearing itself up so when your time comes again it will be a stronger place for your little bean.

Stay strong x x x
Fx for your bfp hun, won't be long, feel better soon xxx
yeah........hopefully bfp will come along at the end of may...that would be lovely.. :)

lots of :hug: for you hun, at least your body is getting it sorted, a small consolation of sorts :-( xx
Hey, I am reading this post and it is all just exactly what I have felt like the last month. I m/c on 18th Feb and everything happened naturally which is the best way I know but I couldnt help thinking when it had happened.

Got discharged last Tueasday from EPU and was wondering how long my af would take and got up on Friday there and it had arrived. Actually back in line only 4 days late with my cycle pre m/c.

I am hoping to ovulate and get a bfp so soon and I hope it for you all too!
Hey, I am reading this post and it is all just exactly what I have felt like the last month. I m/c on 18th Feb and everything happened naturally which is the best way I know but I couldnt help thinking when it had happened.

Got discharged last Tueasday from EPU and was wondering how long my af would take and got up on Friday there and it had arrived. Actually back in line only 4 days late with my cycle pre m/c.

I am hoping to ovulate and get a bfp so soon and I hope it for you all too!

how many weeks were you petal?

did you bleed loads or was it just like a period? i think i lost a fair amount of blood at hospital on saturday but havent had any where near the amount of bleeding i would have expected after....not that im complaining....just worried in case its still to come....xx
I was 6 weeks 4 days! I didnt find mine any worse than a heavy period. Started spotting the Fri, clotting and heavy the Sat and Sun back at work the Mon and then ok through to the Fri. If I hadnt known I was pregnant I would have just classed it as a heavy period to be honest.

I did keep expecting pain or a massive bleed and it never came. Best way for a horrible situation I guess! As I said 2 weeks later my af arrived too so my body seems to have recovered ok. Hopefully in preperation for a bfp soon. I was told to try as soon as I waa ready, were you?
I was 6 weeks 4 days! I didnt find mine any worse than a heavy period. Started spotting the Fri, clotting and heavy the Sat and Sun back at work the Mon and then ok through to the Fri. If I hadnt known I was pregnant I would have just classed it as a heavy period to be honest.

I did keep expecting pain or a massive bleed and it never came. Best way for a horrible situation I guess! As I said 2 weeks later my af arrived too so my body seems to have recovered ok. Hopefully in preperation for a bfp soon. I was told to try as soon as I waa ready, were you?

yeah i was told it was ok to try again whenever...

sounds very similar to me execpt that i did have the awful pain...i was getting contractions and the lot..... :( it was awful

we are going to wait until may so that im not due too close to the wedding. hope you get your bfp very soon chick. was it your first pregnancy? xx
hello my sweet...

i'm ok thanks....well i was til i was in tescos and there was a newborn and i felt sick! but it was to be expected the first time i saw a thats done now...

diet starts on monday and exercise to get my body back to a healthy state to try again in May

how are you?xx
I guess it's gonna hit you like that, but it will be your turn soon enough.
Your diet etc hould give you something good to focus on, I was dieting before this one, was planning on losing A LOT but 2 stone was better than nothing, looking forward to getting back on it eventually, I think it's good to feel you're doing something positive to better yourself heathwise.
I am ok thanks, bricking it slightly (ok a lot) for my scan......... xx
oooo when is your scan it about 4 days ish??

yeah i would like to lose about 2 stone before i conceive again....will take some going though!!! I think we will be actively trying in about 8 weeks so i doubt i will lose 2 stone, but as you say anything is better than nothing and it will give me something to focus on

Monday afternoon.

You'd be surprised at how much you can lose in that time, but yeah anything is better than nothing. And it's amazing how positive doing something like that can make you feel.


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