Pregnancy Forum - What's New?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Pregnancy Forum - The Pregnancy Community™

We hope you enjoy using PF as much as ever, and would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to a few points that will make your browsing easier.


We now have journals for all our members. These can be used for anything, from talking about your pregnancy, to the party you went to last night. Journaling is easy to do (just like posting on the forum) and easy to manage from your journal control panel.

Thanks Button
Say thanks for a kind or useful post. This is a public way of showing appreciation without having to reply with a post.

Quick Reply
No longer do you have to press the 'Reply' button (if you don't want to). All threads and PM's can be answered on the same page.

Instant (Real-time) Replies
Read other members replies as they are posted, while writing your own reply (and without refreshing the page). New posts now appear instantly above the 'Quick Reply' letting you keep up with a fast moving thread.

You will find new easy to use post editors. View images and text formatting as you type.

Pregnancy forum has a built in calendar to put all your dates on. From kids birthdays, testing dates, due dates, in fact anything related to using the forum. These dates will be announced on the day at the bottom of the forum (along with members birthdays).

Unread Posts since your last visit.
Catch on threads posted since your last visit at the click of a button. Never miss a post. Check the counter at the top right of the forum (must logged in).

Don't have anywhere to host pictures? Not to worry! You can now upload pictures, video & documents on the fly as you write your post. Attach it to your post like you would an email.

Photos & Images
We understand that you care about your photos. Images are no longer viewable by guests in any forum. To view images you must be logged in where we record IP's and other details in an effort to protect members. For added security our Photo forum is only viewable to active members.

New Profiles & Message Wall
Your profile now have various new features. From a visitors wall so you can have one-to-one chats with your friends, to recent journal entries & detailed stats on your forum activity.

User Control Panel
Pregnancy forum has a new user control panel (you can access this by pressing the User CP link on the navbar above). From here you can control the whole look and feel of the forum. Our new Privacy options lets you control who can see what infomation.

Ask A Moderator - One-On-One With Forum Staff
Pregnancy forum has introduced a new 'Ask a Moderator' forum. In here you can have private chats with any of our moderators. You will only see your own threads and replies from forum staff. This should help bring any problems to our attention and have them dealt with quicker.

Post Spy
Keep up-to-date with everything that going on with our new Post Spy. No need to refresh the page, you'll get a preview of every new post as they are made.

Pregnancy forum now has a very clear set of forum rules, but every now and then some might overstep the mark. The infraction system works a bit like points on your driving licence. Minor offences will just be reminders & 1 point (these expire very quickly). The bigger the offence the more points & longer it takes to have the points removed. If a members accumulates X amount of points over a period of time then a temporary or permanent ban may be imposed.

Your can view the signature rules here. Please note that in an effort to make the forum user friendly for everyone, pregnancy tickers & signatures are turned off in the Coping with Miscarriage & Loss. Individual signatures can also be switched off by going to Edit Options.

New Forums & Re-Organisation
You may notice a few minor changes to the forum structure.
New forums include:
Waiting to Try
BFP Announcements
Fun & Games
Shop & Product Reviews

New Usergroups
'Members Sanctuary' is an off topic section not viewable by lurkers. This forum is open to all members, although 'Zero/Irregular Posters' will be removed if lurking.
'Girlies Room' & 'Blokes Board' are Male & Female only forums, both have their own rules. You can view the rules and request access here.
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