Pre-TTC advice


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Hello :wave: I'm not officially joining this section yet but I'm so excited I thought I'd pop in a bit early!

We're going to be TTC number 2 after Christmas. Is there anything I should be doing in preperation? With Austin we never really TTC properly, I just came off the pill & waited to see what would happen (then started throwing up 6 weeks later and didn't have a clue what it could be :doh: )

I've got some pregnacare left over from last time, should I start taking that when we start TTC or wait until I'm actually pregnant?

Also (the big Q) I have no idea what my cycle's doing at the moment, I had my first visit from AF since giving birth about 5 weeks ago, then a week ago I thought it's started again but it only lasted 1 day. I asked my HV and she said it's quite common after having a baby, but I'm now left wondering if I'm even ovulating. I was thinking of having a go at charting (starting now) so that I have some kind of idea where I am before we start trying, but have no idea how to go about it. Can someone give me the dummy's guide using very small words please?!?

Thank you so much in advance, I can't wait to join you properly!
Hi, this was my first month TTC...i started taking the pregnacare stuff as soon as we decided we were gonna try and i also took omega 3 capsules that didnt have vitamins a d and e in them.
good luck when you do start TTC....hopefully ill be in first or maybe even 2nd tri by then!!! heres to hoping!!!
take care xx

Start taking Folic Acid supplements now, not sure if they are included in pregnacare or not.

Try and eat healthily blah blah blah.

If you have time to chart that's useful and maybe use the ov sticks to try and figure out when in the month you usually ovulate will be helpful for the time when you're ready to TTC for no.2

That said, I did most of that (not charting my temps) and the month we decide to TTC for no.2 I have yet to get a positive on my ov tests. Sods law!
Very best wishes maybebaby :cheer: :hug: :cheer:
We got pregnant with Isaac pretty much the same as you with Austin, but then I was drinking, smoking, all bad things :oops: Now I'm not and it's already taken longer, was spoilt with the quickness of Isaac. Guess I'm just saying have fun and don't set any time you hope to be pregnant by. I love Austin's ticker pic by the way, sooooooo cute! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Start on the pregnacare now hun. I use which is free and has an ovulation calender with bunnies on you can email your OH lol!

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