TTC and The Pill


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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We're hopefully going to start TTC in Jan (if everything goes to plan). Today was the last pill of my pack so I'm on my pill free week...

here's the BUT - I have none left for next month. Do you think it would be best to let my body go back to normal now for when we start trying? It seems a bit pointless going for more pills when we are TTC soon.

Plus - I'm sure I read you have more chance of having twins if you conceive shortly after being on the pill :shock:

Never heard of the twins thing. I came off the pill in the end of Nov 04 so I could give my body a break before we TTC in March/April time. I fell pregnant in Dec 04 so my body didn't need a break. If you don't want to TTC until Jan I would wait cos there is a chance you could fall straight away. Good luck hun :D
I haven't heard of the twins thing either ...!

But I have heard it's quite common to fall pg straight after coming off the pill (didn't happen for me unfortunately :( ) .... But I do think the pill was out of my system very quickly as I went straight into regular cycles .... So if you're serious about not wanting to TTC until January I would suggest you either get some more pills or use something else until then .... :wink:
i think its different for everyone, i came off the pill last December and didnt conceive till September so took me 9 months and didnt have regular cycles. it may be best to let it come out of your system but be careful for a few months. also you will get to see how your cycles work and when you are OV. good luck!
sorry got my BFP in September, conceived in August...
I got pregnant 10 days after coming off the pill. I'd say if you want to stop taking it use another form of protection until you're ready to TTC.

I got pregnant while still on the pill so anything is possible, but good luck TTC
thanks everyone, i need to speak to DH but I think it's pointless getting a new back and I want to let my body settle down for Jan :hug:
ToriElla said:
thanks everyone, i need to speak to DH but I think it's pointless getting a new back and I want to let my body settle down for Jan :hug:

Would it mater too much if you ended up pg before jan? If not I wouldnt bother with a new pack either give your body time to get into proper cycles again some people take awhile to have af after the pill and would be frustrating to have to wait in january! Good luck, hope you get your bfp nice and quickly in jan!
thanks :)

we decided Jan cos I wanted Eva to be one when we tried for another. I would prefer more of a 2year age gap but you get so impatient waiting don't you!! :lol:

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