pre-eclampsia with 3rd pregnancy. will they induce with 4th?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2014
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Im just wondering what the possibilities are of being induced earlier? I suffered with high blood pressure with my daughter from bout 30 weeks and it progressed to by my blood pressure getting higher and higher with my pregnancy with my son they gave me aspirin to take but it still kept going up and then they done loads of blood tests and they found uric acid in my blood which then they told me was pre-eclampsia.

So was just wondering what was going to happen this time around. I know that I will be monitored closely and see the consultant a lot. My midwife hasnt told me a lot about what will happen just that the consultant will tell me more.

Any advice or anyone with the same thing that you are going through xx
They won't necessarily induce. I had pre-eclampsia with my first pregnancy (started roughly at 28 weeks, but wasn't diagnosed until 36 weeks). During my second, I had an appointment with a consultant at 16 weeks, where she told me I could either try for a VBAC (I had an emergency c-sec with my first) or I could have a planned c-sec. I had additional scans at 28, 32 and 36 weeks and weekly midwife appointments to check bp and urine from 30 weeks onwards. I ended up developing gestational diabetes, so got put under the care of another consultant, but the plan was only to see the other consultant twice (16 and 36 weeks), unless the pre-eclampsia developed again (I got hypertension post-delivery, but luckily no pre-eclampsia).
They said before when they gave me the aspirin in my last pregnancy that ill be monitored pretty much every week to 2 weeks and that I'll stand a chance at not even reaching 40 weeks. But then the midwife who popped round yesterday said she dont know and she doesnt understand my notes from my previous pregnancy and that im better off waiting for the letter with my scan date and consultant appointment. <br />
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I hate all this not being in the know and how everything is going to happen and what they might or willing to do. <br />
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The fact they didnt pick up on the pre-eclampsia before 39 weeks with my last pregnancy is a bit of a joke cuz my blood pressure over the last 3/4 weeks had been going up and up quickly and the midwife at the docs didnt send me to the docs to be checked over<br/>
I don't think they're always on the ball when it comes to pre-eclampsia. My new doctors surgery didn't seem to realise I'd had it as when they filled in a medical form my midwife gave them, they stated the most important medical info for the pregnancy was high cholesterol, which I'd last had 10 years ago!!!

I had severe pre-eclampsia, which started at 28 weeks, but undiagnosed by the midwife despite repeat bp and urine checks, baby stopped growing at 32 weeks and only discovered at 36 weeks. My daughter was born very tiny due to IUGR and needed time in SCBU. I was on magnesium sulphate to stop eclamptic seizures for a day or so after delivery. But in my second pregnancy I wasn't given aspirin or had loads of checks until I got to 30 weeks. I guess it varies from area to area, but my consultant was good at 16 weeks and reasonably reassuring.

My sister had pre-eclampsia and that started developing around 32 weeks. She started swelling but midwife kept saying it was just her putting on weight! Unbelievable. She was totally shocked when she saw her a few days after delivery and the swelling was going down.

One thing I did do was got myself a home bp machine so I could keep an eye on what my bp was doing. I have to say it was very reassuring. I even considered getting the urine strips to check for protein, but I had an excellent midwife second time round, so I didn't bother in the end.

I would imagine the consultant will have the answers you need and hope you get that appointment through soon xx
I think I might just phone antenatal up tomorrow or wednesday to see if they have my appointment date and time to tell me over the phone but I doubt they will tell me :/ and the midwife who came around Saturday didn't give me my notes and told me that the hospital will give them to me so when i go in for my appointment i've never even heard of this before now i always remember having the green notes when we have our first appointment with the midwife at the doctors

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