Pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure 2nd pregnancy


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May 8, 2014
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Hi, this is my first post on here and was just looking for anyone else who has gone through a similar situation.

I have a now 1 1/2 yr old boy who with my first pregnancy i was induced at 38 weeks due to high blood pressure. i was in and out of the hospital so many times with him i lost count all due to high bp and migraines. The protein levels in my urine with him were not enough to be considered per-eclampsia. my highest marked bp level with him that i could remember was about 170/110

now i am 25 weeks with my second and my bp levels are starting to rise again my dr had me do a 24 hr urine collection as well as some blood work and wants to see me back in two weeks. He said "it looks like were headed towards induction again" and im assuming that according to these test results that will determine the next step medically. ive also gained 10lbs in 4weeks sense my last appt. before this one.

Has anyone else had any experiances with high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia in their pregnancies that can give me any advice or share their story?
Id just like someone to talk to that I can share experiences and discuss similarities with.
Hi there. I have chronic high BP and take medication for it. With my first, we induced at 38 weeks to prevent any complications with pre eclampsia because my pressure was starting to rise. This time around we are keeping a very close eye on it. In fact, I have a monitor at home and I check about every per night. I keep a chart so when I see the consultant they can have an idea if it's been playing up.

I know how much of a worry it can be, but try to relax - don't let stress make it rise! You can try eating foods to help you lower it.......beets and raw celery are meant to help. Salt can be a bad guy, but you shouldn't have to completely cut it out and of course drink tons of water. Does your dr have you on any meds to help out?
Sorry to hear it looks like you're heading the same way with your second pregnancy. I had pre-eclampsia with my first. It was diagnosed at 35+6 and I was induced at 36+1, but ended up having an emergency section a day later (foetal distress, bp out of control). Pre-eclampsia didn't resolve with delivery and it took a while to get my bp under control (I was on bp meds for 6 months afterwards, at its worse my bp was 220/110). Second pregnancy my bp was absolutely fine all the way through and I had excellent care - lots of bp checks and scans to check growth. I had gestational diabetes and polyhydramnios, so had to have a section at 37 weeks (I was offered a choice of induction or section and as I had a previous failed induction I went for the section). Everything seemed to go fine and I was discharged 2 days after the op. However, 2 days later I started to swell and I kept getting weird crushing pains in my chest which I knew was my bp getting really high. I was readmitted and diagnosed with postpartum hypertension (luckily no pre-eclampsia, although I think it was heading that way).

You might find that as you didn't get pre-eclampsia with your first, you won't get it this time either, but still get hypertension. The main thing is, they know what happened last time and will be keeping a close eye on you. I actually got myself a bp monitor to check my bp daily. The midwife checked it weekly from 30 weeks onwards. I would also recommend that even if your bp stays ok up until delivery that you keep an eye on it for a week or so afterwards as it is possible to develop postpartum hypertension or even pre-eclampsia. I was "lucky" in that when my bp goes dangerously high I get a weird pain in my chest so knew immediately what was going on (even if the stupid hospital said the symptoms were more likely to be a lung clot and ran loads of other tests).

I hope you feel reassured by the docs/midwives looking after you. I remember being very reassured by the constant checking. I really hope that you get through the rest of your pregnancy without hypertension or pre-eclampsia. If you want to chat, please feel free to send me a message xx
I too have a bp monoitor at home. i check it when i can feel my bp getting high i cant explain how it feels but i can tell when it is getting up there. been having a few symptoms yesterday and today that have concerned me as well, majorrrr migraine swelling in my hands face and feet. and more braxton hicks contractions then i usually experiance. . aslo ive been EXTREMELY tired pretty much have slept the past 48 hrs away.. my bp has been alright though surprisingly its been in the 137/75 range to 130/68 so hopefully that stays in check.. i wasnt put on meds last time with my bp either though.. im hesitant to call my dr though because every time i go to hospital they just keep me for 4hrs sometimes on iv fluids and send me home. and its hard to do all that with a 1 1/2 yr old so ive been resting and drinking alot of water hopefully the symptoms will clear up though.
With medication, I tend to be in the same range as you. I would make a chart of your BP. Check it at the same time every day if you can, plus whenever it feels high ....(because sometimes it's sneaky and you can't feel the rise). That way, if you start to see a pattern of increasing readings, you can let the dr know. It might take some of the worry away. Please call your dr about symptoms though...just so they know what's going on. Maybe they can do a phone appointment. The last time I went in with migraines, my doc tested me and I was 180/90! Luckily I wasn't pg at the time, but it let the dr know I needed more medicine. Hope you are feeling better soon :)

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