Pram bought, hypnobirthing course booked, nursery furniture chosen! OMG it's real!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2010
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This weekend the husband and I have had a very productive one. We've ordered our pram with maxi cosi car seat and family fix base (a purple Stokke Xplory... he wanted red but I wanted purple and won! If this baby is a boy he's going to hate me...). Ordered the nursery furniture and booked our hypnobirthing course. Also had a good discussion about home birth and think we're going to go for it! For the first time since I got pregnant it actually feels real. I woke up this morning and was like a little kid shouting "I want our baby and I want it now!".

Feel very excited and much more organised today. Anyone else bought baby things recently and it's feeling more real?
When we ordered pram it began to feel more real! I've had a bit of trouble with fibroids so haven't let myself get anything til quite recently. I can't wait to meet our little girl now!!
We have the pram and the drawers are filling with baby bits and bobs, we have just finished decorating our bedroom and juniors room is getting done over Aug bank hol so will be ordering the cot soon and the bedding which I am really excited about as we have picked it since we knew we were pregnant. I am the same now tho 17 weeks is ages away and I want my little one here xx
yeah its so exciting when the baby products start entering the house, I had some health problems and ws off sick for 7 weeks so shopped shopped shopped lol we have everything right down to the breast pump and bottles xx
Excellent hun and ....really good the stokke xx
Great isn't it? Sold my iPhone 4 for £621 so treated myself to the Stokke!
im like you, the pram made everything so real! we went and bought our pram straight after our 20 week appt, we also got our car seat then as well. since then we got all our feeding equipment, moses basket, crib and went to the asda baby event and splashed out on nappys all the baby toiletries we will need such as loadsa wipe, johnsons stuff and stuff for my hospital bag (home birthing but they say to have one just in case)

tell u something if it didnt feel real before now, when looking at my bank balance it certainly seems real now lol!!
Oh your so good to have all that done and ready - well done

Iv'e started with all the small things, just this last week,as I'm only early on, and it's soo exciting now, and I feel all organised now. All the large things my sister is passing on to me as some point, as her youngest is 2 now, so there is no point looking for anything till I know what she has got for me first, the suspense is killing me, but it will save me lots (but still can't stop looking at pushchairs, as it's the one thing you really live by).

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