Daytime naps


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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The community nursery nurse said that if you put your baby on the settee to sleep, they are a lot more risk of SIDS. Usually I bring the moses basket downstairs for Finlay to sleep in during the day but now he's growing out of it very quickly I'm wondering where to put him to sleep! He's currently in his swing asleep which I know isn't the best option! It also seems a bit extreme putting him upstairs in his cot but maybe the best idea?

Where do your babies sleep for their daytime naps?
iv always had emma downstairs first she was in her moses basket tehn her swing and now on the sofa
Willow goes in her cot for her naps as she gets a more rested sleep. have done this since about 3 months.
Ryan started off in his moses basket but then he started napping on the sofa after a few months. He won't settle in his cot during the day cos he knows it's for bedtime, and I prefer to have him downstairs with me anyway so I can keep an eye on him :)
Jack started in his moses basket but once he grew out of it he used to have short naps in his swing or he'd sleep on his play gym. Just recently he's started having longer naps at lunch time, 1-2 hours so now i've started putting him in his cot, he gets a more restfull sleep and I get a couple of hours to tidy house, have a bath, sit and listen to the silence OR what happens more often than not is I spend the whole time on pregnancy forum :lol:
I put Tom down in his pushchair now for his daytime naps. Lx
ever since christopher has been in his cot he has also had his daytimes naps there to..we have blackout blinds so its nice and dark even during the day so he gets much more sleep that he would downstairs on the sofa etc.

and it gives me some "meE time tro either play on here and tidy up/shower and eat.
I forgot, when he was too big for his moses basket but too small for the sofa, he used to sleep in his bouncy chair cos it had a vibration setting.... that was such a godsend when he was little :D
i put ryan in his cot as he gets a much better sleep. If he sleeps down stairs in his bouncer, millie will shout and it'll wake him up. He doesnt sleep for as long in his bouncer
Isaac always slept on us or on the sofa as he wouldn't go in his basket, or his cot, until he was months old anyway, so was on the bed mostly too :lol: I won't comment on the sofa SIDS danger, I am finding it quite traumatic to be honest how much the words 'danger' and 'risk' are thrown about when it comes to LO's NOT sleeping in a blooming cot :cry: and I don't want to start another "debate" :roll: Do whatever YOU feel safe with Kylie1007, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Austin always has his naps on my v-pillow on the sofa. I'm usually in the same room though. He only fell off once but was okay, and can get down by himself now.
Charlotte slept in the carrycot of her pram for the first 4 months (downstairs), and then went into her cot for her daytime naps once she settled herself better. I don't pull the curtains though she she gets used to sleeping in daylight if we are out and about.

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