possible miscarriage, help?


New Member
Sep 3, 2014
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Hi all,
First time ive been on this site but needed a bit of help. Not even sure if im posting in the correct place.

Okay so im not ttc, but did have unprotected sex with my partner a few times. I stupidly had sex and started the contraceptive pill about 10 days after my period had finished. Hadnt been on the pill for over a year.
During that month i was going to the bathroom a lot, had extremly sore boobs, and just felt stranhe but honestly didnt think twice. I finished my pill pack , so i havent had ny period for a while as i took the whole months worth and started it late.

The day after i finished taking the active pill i had extremly bad pains. So bad i couldnt move and was in bed screaming. It lasted around 5 hours but wore off. Didnt think anything of it. Actually thought i had food poisoning !
Same thing next day, bad pains but not as bad. I then had spotting. Thought my period was starting but it was light blood for 30 mins and disappered. Then this morning i woke up in absolute agony. I was screaming and crying at 7am from these stabbing pains in my abdomen. Nothing like period pain though which i found extrenly weird. It was more on the sides of my abdomen, and less of a cramp but more of a stab. Hard to explain. It went away after an hour and i felt extremly faint. I had a headache and felt as though iwas going to pass out. The pains never went away but were mild. I went to the bathroom and had really light blood again so assumed it was my period. Put a tampon in etc. Sorry tmi. Then around 2pm i was screaming again, went to the bathroom, took tampon out, which had nothing on it, peed, and felt something weird.i pushed and (sprry tmi again) something fell into the toilet.i looked and it was a sac type thing. Clearish outside, blood inside. Pushed again and another thing fell out. Didnt look at that but was the same type thing. Was not blood or a blood clot. Nothing i have seen before.
Once i passed those, the bleeding has practically stopped again. But this pain is still becoming unbearable. Its fsint at times, but then gets really strong.

I have not seen a doctor, or been to hospital as im not sure what they can do.

But i need advice. Is it serious? Is it a miscarriage? If it is why am i reading that people pass so muxh blood and clots and ive had nothing except two sac type things?
I havent had ny period for so long and im worried that something is seriously wrong with me now.

I am extrey sad at the thought of losing a baby, but im so confused and worried that something is wrong.

Please any advice ?

Sorry for the info, im just lost on what to do.

Thanks :(

I'm so sorry you are going through this. Yes it could possibly be a miscarriage. What have you done with the two 'things' you have passed? My best advice to you would be to go to a and e if you are in that much pain. Ideally if you still have what you have passed take them with you and get some medical advice. I hope you get the help you need, keep us updated x
i would get checked out, it could be a miscarriage but the pain on one side could be more i have always been told to get it checked, it may be that not everything has come out which is why you haven't had much bleeding. definitely get checked!!!!! x
HI. Sorry to read what happened. How are you now? Did you see Dr? xxx
Hi All,
so a month later and i am yet to see a doctor, stupid i know but i have just moved countries and things became a little hectic.
the bleeding became heavier and then stopped, i thought it was fine. two weeks ago i started bleeding again only its not a normal period if a period at all.
its clotted, & dark brown/black. also having a lot of cramping right now. its been a month since i wrote this post. and 3 weeks of that month i have been bleeding.
i am going to see a doctor asap as i just told my friend who is now concerned. im only 21, so this is kind of a scary thing that i was hoping would go away. stupid i know but it seems to be becoming an urgent matter now.

thanks all for replying.
Sorry you are still bleeding, but very glad to hear you are going to dr. Please let us know how it goes. xxx

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