*Possible Levi's Labour Thread*

Good luck Hun, a hope this is it for you! Wish I was getting somewhere lol x
I feel like im dying already haha! Was coping fine till I went in that bloody bath!

Oh and ladies - I honestly reckon it was that hot nandos sauce so get some haha xxx

Fuuuuck these are painful... Still varying with times though.. How am I supposed to sleep through these beauties I'll never know........ Arghhhhhhhhh...!!!

I phoned the hospital because I had managed to get a sleep then was woken by stronger contractions coming every 5 minutes. So I waited half an hour, phoned the hospital and the midwife says 'oh you dont sound like your in much pain and ideally your looking at waiting until they are coming 3 every ten minutes and lasting a minute'!!! I mean ok, i get this is my first baby! BUT my mum coped well with the pain in both her labours, she had my sister within an hour of contracting every 7-8 mins! I cant physically speak when I get a contraction...!
So she ended up saying that I could go down and get checked if I wanted - but sounds like I'll prob only be about 2cm!! Because I managed to sleep for a bit as well seems like i'm far away from the 'pushing part'! One of my close friends was in labour and managed to sleep through half of hers without any drugs!

Honestly I asked if they were busy and she said no - so I reckon shes fobbing me off! I have my MW app at 11am and I'm going to haul myself along and speak to her. Also whats really really really pissed me off is that when they built this new maternity ward when I just fell pregnant, I asked if there was birthing pools. The answer 'yeah there is loads'.... A few weeks ago I said to another community midwife about it and she told me there was only the two pools.... THEN when i phoned tonight I asked about it and there is actually only the one in the midwife led bit. I'm actual fuming! Especially (this is going to sound selfish but...) since there is a girl I know wanting a water birth and shes going for a sweep today at 10am. I will take a tantrum if I cant get in that fucking pool! If they had only said weeks before when I asked I would have made other arrangements... However try not to stress :wall2:

So ladies sorry for the fustrated rant, I'm just tired and fed up already - thats been nearly 24 hours with contractions.... :( xxx

Thats an awful story! That poor lady!
Just think though, after that they will be extra quick and helpful so as not to get more bad press.
And you hear horror stories about every hospital, but you also hear great stories!
Not sure whether I should be saying I hope it happens quickly for you, or i hope it hangs on for your OH!
Either way, I hope you get whichever you want!
Fx x
Awwwww hun, try not to stress to much, let's hope ur mw examines u and sends u down. With my first baby I went to the hospital after having contractions from 11am till midnight, when I got there I was 2 cm. she sent me home and said "come back when your crying" 7am the next morning I was in tears , when they examined me I was 5-6 cm. they broke my waters at 12 and he was born at 1.45. I think if ur not hysterical in pain, crying and screaming they assume ur not in labour. Good luck with the mw xxx
Its bad that they wait so long! You would think even just quickly checking me to see if I was even dilating... Then send me home with drugs and I'll be happy lol! I'm physically drained with being up most of the night... Heres hoping my MW does something today... I wish babies came with time slots haha! Xxx

Fx it will happen soon, they always seem to come on their own terms what works for some doesn't work for another. I've tired things that work on my previous pregnancies with no results on this one!!
i got to 9 cm on cocodamol cos they wouldnt examine me due to risk of infection and 'i didnt look like i was in much pain'
how did it go with the MW babe? did she suggest anything or give you anything for the pain... hope your ok sweetie... still doing my cheerleading bit for you xxx
Just back from the midwifes - she tried to check me but it was so sore and I was actually screaming... :| i think I'm just so tired and tender with these constant contractions! She just said that I've to take co-codamol and go back in the bath! Problem is I have no painkillers here apart from tramadol... I never lifted my purse before I went to the docs so couldnt buy any when I was out and now I'm back home I dont really want to be out and about again :( xxx

Just back from the midwifes - she tried to check me but it was so sore and I was actually screaming... :| i think I'm just so tired and tender with these constant contractions! She just said that I've to take co-codamol and go back in the bath! Problem is I have no painkillers here apart from tramadol... I never lifted my purse before I went to the docs so couldnt buy any when I was out and now I'm back home I dont really want to be out and about again :( xxx

Is there anyone you can call? xx
Yeah a few friends are off work and stuff but I know they'll expect to come in and have a coffee and a chat when I really aint in the mood for being their circus act :( I may need to suffer... Unless anyone can tell me how tramadol works in pregnancy?? Im sure its codine and paracetamol...? Xxx

Soooo hubby is on his way home! He phoned work and he was put right on the first available flight meaning he is home tonight :dance: !

So excited - now the contractions can start being the same amount of time apart all the time instead of changing every 3 hours..! xxx
Perhaps thats what your baby was waiting for!
Waiting for your hubby to come home so it could all be perfect.
Fx for you

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