Poem I have wrote for our precious Bauble xxx


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2013
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Our Little Bauble

2013 was meant to be our year,
It was going so well with the weight loss and you were so near.
We were looking forward to what the future held,
Our bodies had changed so much we wanted to make you proud.

When we saw that positive on the test,
We couldn't believe it, it felt the best.
Our little Bauble due in the month of June,
We were so excited, it couldn't come too soon

We had an early scan but nothing was found.
We were sure little Bauble was in there but was hiding safe and sound.
Blood were taken to check my count,
Cause consultant was worried, we all had doubt.

Bloods were normal, what did this mean?
Go home and wait, then come back to see if Bauble could be seen.
Back we go, nothing again, oh the worry,
We prayed so hard for good news but then it all became a flurry.

A little bleeding but no pain at all,
Felt like we are hitting our heads against a brick wall.
The waiting & wanting is hurting so bad,
Trying to hold it together is making us so sad.

They tell us it's ectopic but what does this mean?
They say our little Bauble is not in my womb and cannot be seen.
Oh little Bauble you were wanted so much,
For both me and my Daddy to show you our love and to hold and to touch.

But the little Bauble that we caught just wasn't quite right,
You stayed for a while but then you lost your fight.
I had my operation and you were taken with my tube, we never felt so scared.
Our hearts were broken and won't easily be repaired

2 weeks have gone and we know we must let you go
But our lives and dreams are shattered, how can all this be so?
We are angry, empty and we are sad,
But we enjoyed the time with you that we had

Our little Bauble we love you with all our heart,
We still do and did from the very start.
It hurts us a lot and we feel so bad,
We just wanted more than anything to be your mom and dad.

Sleep tight little Bauble you will be missed every day,
But soar to your sisters and brothers where you can all play.
We will take each day one at a time,
And another little baby will soon be daddy's and mine

Sleep tight Bauble xxx in our hearts forever xxxxx love you xxxx
What a lovely poem, so sad but I know you'll have your baby soon. Keep positive hun xx
Awww hugs bauble, lovely poem even tho it made me cry, take care lovely xx
lovely poem so sorry for your loss I hope your a mummy and daddy so soon x

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