PND - what helped?


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Hi you probably have all noticed I've been quite down and my PND questionnaire score has been getting progressively higher so my HV *eventually* decided to refer me to the doctor (who gave me antidepressants - Sertraline 50mg) and the local PND support group which runs for 8 weeks and starts on tuesday.

Just wondered really, those of you who were diagnosed PND what did you find helped most - antidepressants, support group, something else, or did you just ride it out?

Also anyone with any experiences of Sertraline, let me know how you found it as I've not taken them yet as scared of the side-effects.

Thank you!

ps- any of you who think you are PND, please chat to your midwife/HV/doctor, you'll feel so much better for getting it out in the open and knowing there are things you can do to start feeling better.
Hi babes, Im not going to be much help as I just rode mine out. Ithink you should follow your doctors advice, dont you suffer with bi polor as well? see id say with you having that, you should just take some advice and if your not feeling any better then do it another way.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey hun,

I'm so pleased you've managed to get some help - hopefully you'll start to feel the effects soon. Please please let us (or PM/Facebook me) to let us know how you are getting on as I think about you lots and really hope you start to feel better soon.

As you know, I've can't answer the question as I'm kind of at the same stage as you. I'm avoiding going to the doc though as our doc is rubbish (she's totally batty) and I really want to know if there's anything homeopathic I can take due to breastfeeding. So a bit stuck - but I'll go to the baby clinic next Wed and talk through options again with my HV.

Did you get an answer re. the drugs and breastfeeding?


Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
Did you get an answer re. the drugs and breastfeeding?

I was prescribed those Sertraline which are apparently ok to take while breastfeeding, she looked it up. St Johns Wort though I was told not to take, even though online the results are inconclusive as to whether they are ok or not I took the GP's advice.
I've been taking antidepressants since Maia was 4 weeks old because I knew I wasn't right and I didn't want depression to spoil her first few months for me.

I've just started to reduce the dosage of them and fingers crossed I should be off them just before Maia's first birthday.

Its impossible to say how long I'd have been depressed for without the drugs, it may have lifted on its own in a few weeks, but I personally couldn't bear being miserable, it was so not me.

I hope you find the right answer for you. :hug:
I wont take anything for obvious reasons. My HV is supposed to monitor me, she last saw me in october and time before was April!!!! My Dr sees me every 6 weeks though.
I was lucky as I have a friend who's a homeopath whom I met through college, and she helped me lots after giving birth with recommendations. I would always recommend it, it is safe whilst breastfeeding, but obviously discuss it with your GP although they cannot endorse it, and speaking to a homeopath will ensure you get the correct treatment for you :hug: To find a reputable homeopath contact The Society of Homeopaths on 0845 450 6611 or visit their website here

Also Mind is a fantastic organization if you want to speak to someone other than your GP, HV, OH :hug:
I was prescribed antidepressants (Citalopram) and they have been a huge help. I must admit that I had them sitting in the drawer for 2 weeks before I took them as I wasn't keen but in the end I decided that my mood wasn't doing any of us any good. They have really helped me.

My HV also put my name down on the PND support group waiting list and a space is supposed to be available later this month (when Tom will be a year old!!!) and I will definitely go to that as I think it will be really helpful to meet other mums who have the same thing.

Always here if you need a chat. PM me anytime. PND is very very hard so it's great that you have had it diagnosed and can start to get it sorted.

:hug: :hug: Lucy xx

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