Think I have got PND


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2005
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Hi all,

Sorry this is a long one.

I am pretty sure I am suffering from PND, it seems to have appeared from nowhere. I am finding myself quite tearful and emotional for no reason what so ever, am having trouble sleeping, seem to have a dull headache all the time. I looked up the symptoms on the net yesterday and I have about ten of them, but cannot remember what they all were now.

I think I know why I have this, as I have managed to get myself stuck in a rut of staying in the house. Sometimes I can stay in for days at a time and not even venture outside. my husband works full time, and I dont have any local friends who dont work fulltime. I have been lazy and now cannot get motivated to get out!

I did get a list of groups to go to from my health visitor, but all the ones near me are only available during term time. I know I need to start getting out more and doing things, thing is I am at a loose at what to do, and where to start. I went out for a walk with the pushchair yesterday and that did make me feel much better for a little while.

I have spoken to my husband about this yesterday, well I had to as I burst in to tears as soon as he walked through the door. Bless him he hasnt got a clue what to say, his suggestion was do I want to go back to work earlier. I am also going to call my HV today for help.

my reason for this post is to try and find out what you guys do on a day to day basis, and what has helped you from climbing the walls. any ideas or tips would be really appreciated.
aw hun :hug:
i don't know what to suggest as i am often climbing the walls myself
and have benn crying over nothing latley
Feel like Oh is taking me for granted etc... i even threw such a woblle the other night i stoped him going out

I feel like i am in the house constantly and i get nothing done, then feel shit about it.

I don't feel i have bonded aswell with Jack as i did Emily and i feel an enormous amount of guilt about that, don't get me wrong i love him to bits but i feel like i am just going through the motions sometimes

He is well taken care of clean and full tummy but i don't seem to spend much 1 on 1 time with him as i always seem to have someting to do

He plays in his highchair on the the floor whilst i am doing my jobs

god i feel like crying just writing this

Sorry i have hijacked your post :oops:
Thanks Tankett.

Jo, dont worry you havent hijacked my post, it makes me feel a bit better knowing I am not alone.

i dont have pnd but at this rate im going to, i stayed in for 5days last week and didnt once go out doors its to hard with 2 babies double buggy getting on the bus i live on the outskirts of the city and the closet thing i have to me is a huge motoway.

i tok Dior swimming the other week it was so nice when i just had Dior i used to do lots with her bt find it hard now :( even just getting up ready and out for a walk will do you the world of good?

i am looking forward to go bak to work but im of untill next may :( even just one day just to go out and feel normal again
I think me not woking is making me worse as i know that next month is the last time i get a wage and i am sick of thinking about money all the time

There is always something we need the next 'big' thing is a new carseat for Jack, my carpets buggered and we want wood

I am just stalled off with everything and feel like hiding
Aw sorry you feel like this Mrs G, you are doing the right thing by talking to your HV.

Is there a drop in clinic for moms and babies near by?

The kind of things I do in the day are:

Go to the park
Visit friends with babies (something you will be able to do when you meet people at clinic or baby group)

Go to a cafe... a good opportunity to meet someone else with a baby!
So sorry that you are feeling so low Mrs G.

My sister has a 15 week old baby and she is suffering with PND too. Her HV has been fantastic, so definitely speak to yours.

I've been fortunate in that my husband has had a lot of annual leave as well as the 2 weeks paternity leave so I've not been on my own that much, it doesn't feel like it anyway.

I would recommend going along to your local mother and baby groups, they should be starting up again in a couple of weeks. I only went for 1 week and it finished for the summer which is a shame. But one of the ladies there said she was suffering from PND and she said the group really helped her get through it.

I try and get out for walks most days, even if it's only up to the town which is only a 10 minute walk. It does make you feel a heck of a lot better getting fresh air and it breaks the day up nicely.

Have you got any family that can take your baby one day/morning/afternoon a week for you to give you some time to yourself?

Make sure you get the professional help that you need.
I am feeling much better at the mo, have just spent a few hours with Tankett. thanks for the coffee and the natter Tankett!!

My MIL lives ten minutes drive away and she does work parttime, so maybe its worth me asking her if she would like Charlotte for one afternoon a week. Im sure she will love the time with her. Thanks thats a good idea.
Oh hun, im sorry your feeling down. It is a vicious circle isnt it, the more you stay at home the less you feel like going out and the worse you feel and so on. Im a fine one to talk and suggest going to any Sure Start groups or mum and baby....I hate going, i always feel like a spare part. Im starting to feel pretty lonely too, my DH is away working in Liverpool 5 nights a week :cry: i miss him like hell.
Today i took Charlie swimming today, we had a great time! I found out from a mum in the pool i chatted to (brave hey??!!) that they have a creche (£1.90 ph) and the gym is really cheap, so im gonna have some 'me' time, get fit, and let Charlie spend time with other kids. Is that selfish???
Sorry off on a tangant again LMAO :rotfl: Please have a chat with your HV/GP, they will be able to offer lots of support and advice...........and dont forget WERE always around!!! x
MrsG said:
I am feeling much better at the mo, have just spent a few hours with Tankett. thanks for the coffee and the natter Tankett!!

Like I said earlier - anytime!!! It did me the world of good as well. It meant I actually got dressed for a change, and it was great to get some adult company!! :D

Hope you find somthing that works for you i think at some piont in time we all get a little tearful i still rarely get out and Kiara is 7 months old

I find that if I plan my week out I feel much better at the end of each day than if I just take each day as it comes. I don't have my car everyday so the days I do have it I plan that I'll go to the shops, most of the time I window shop but it's really nice to be able to have a nice wander through them without rushing to buy something then paying more than I should've!
Every day I'll plan to do some chores, that way my house usually looks quite clean and tidy, likewise with the washing and ironing. When I don't have my car I always walk into town (15-20 mins walk).

I'm lucky that there's lots of mother and baby groups around so I usually go once a week and also meet up with the girls from my nhs baby massage class.

Don't woory, things will get better.

Thanks for all of your replies, its so nice.

I have spoken to my HV this morning, and she agreed I need to get out, and join some groups. I am also going to join the library as she said there is lots of things going on there. I have a church nr me that starts a baby group again in term time so am going to go along there.
I am planning on seeing Tankett reguarly and also my SIL as shes on maternity leave.

I do spread my chores over the week, and aim for one thing to be completed a day, anything else is a bonus.

am seeing my HV on the 12th to see how I am getting along.
I still dont feel 100% myself but am more positive now.
Great news Mrs G, glad you're feeling s bit better :)

Hope you enjoy Mother and Baby group...I love mine I can't wait for it to start again!
aww you seem to be really postivie hun. I think just talking about it helps (although Im not talking form experience) Keep your positive attitude get out to some baby groups and you will do fine hun :D

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