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Mar 15, 2010
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hiya girls. im debbie. im 20. im 28weeks pregnant:dance:. this is bit embarassing to say this but ive got internal genital warts and i wundered if anybody is brave enuf to say they had them and gave birth vaginaly. do u think i would be better off having a c sec or to give birth naturally? please someone own up if u have been in this sito. as ive got nobody to talk to about this and it just keeps spinning round in my head?! im in need of somebody to talk
Welcome to the Forum :)

I haven't had them so can't advise in that respect :) But what has your Dr said?
Welcome to the forum :)

I had a partner who turned out to have herpes. Fortunately when he told me I got tested and I wasnt infected. I was very worried about what it would mean at the time as you can imagine. From what I know it's only a problem if you have an outbreak ongoing during labour - but dont quote me! I'd talk to your doctor or MW for the proper implications.

You know, you can catch genital warts EVEN if you've used a condom - guaranteed. I didn't think you HAD to have them treated as they go away by themselves, apparently (or did when I had them :lol:) which my doctor assured me "wasn't a problem and you've probably had them there for years and they only appeared when uber-stressed"

Yes, I should be embarassed but no, I'm not. It was years ago, I was always careful and it was "one of those things". So there you go :) Never had them again, it was a once-off. Luckily.

As for during pregnancy, that link that Rosie's mum sent was pretty informative.
thanx for the link. really helpfull. herpes isnt genital warts is it? im sure its not. herpes is like when u get a cold sore, or like a lil blister, and it spreads and warts aint in that family. unless ive got it totally wrong. but thanx for your replys girls xx
OH saw in the search bar this morning that I had looked up genital warts - he looked at me and said with a frown 'why have you been looking up genital warts?' he looked so concerned I lmao! It was a very funny moment..
thanx for the link. really helpfull. herpes isnt genital warts is it? im sure its not. herpes is like when u get a cold sore, or like a lil blister, and it spreads and warts aint in that family. unless ive got it totally wrong. but thanx for your replys girls xx

Herpes is the virus that causes cold sores AND genital warts. The are just in different places.

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