Please tell me it isn't just me...


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I have been a right evil cow recently! I have been snappy, moody, short tempered, emotional and just a downright pain in the ass!

I can feel the hormones raging inside me and the other day I burst into tears because OH wouldn't make me a brew! I sat and cried for an hour over it!

Seriously somebody tell me this isn't just me lol :oooo:
I spent all last night in tears because OH wanted to go out for a drink with his friends! Hormones are hugely annoying!
Awww :)

They are annoying but we just can't help it!

My OH is struggling to be understanding I think.. Think he will end up snapping at me very soon!

I was almost hysterical when I couldn't get a hot shower, sobbed for an hour last night and felt very sorry for myself! I've been quite moody so quite glad its only been the odd phone conversation. been tough though.
Hormones level out 2nd tri. But come back in 3rd. I sent hubby away to Spain with his mate for a holiday and just keep crying now hes gone.... Makes no sense eh? Hope he understands, give him a pregnancy guide for bloods to read, help him....
No I am a hormonal cow!! Won't even give examples it's shameful , but the sad thing is I still think I'm right lol.

your defo not alone! i burst out cryin yesterday because i couldnt find my other shoe
and OH wouldnt help me look for it :roll: xx
Lol thanks girls I feel so much better! Knowing I'm not alone!

Awwww come on olive .. Spill lol

Young mum .. Did you end up finding ur other shoe then lol!!

Sounds familiar... Haven't been too bad with crying so far, but as for moodiness... My husband, thankfully, is taking it in his stride, this being the third time round he finds himself on the receiving end of my rollercoasting hormones...
Away this weekend, nearly made DH turn the car around half way there due to seeing lots of road kill. Had full on panic attack about my cats at home.

Got here went to supermarket to stock up nearly spat a mental at an older couple (they were very rude). DH had to lead me away before I exploded.

Spat a mental at DH at lunch because he used a salt grinder,said they were good and we should get one. I exploded that we have one and he never uses it. Was ok lit 5 secs later but could see the american family next table over eyeing me nervously afterwards.

DH response to all of this, just stayed calm which was prob for the best.

I've actually been mostly ok just have moments.
LOL @ Ninja! Ninja Kitty vs OAP's!

I have been pretty placid so far today but I can tell my mood will be very very easily swayed. Today has been the worst day so far for sickness... Think its going to give me a hard time :(

Just gotta think positive coz the moods and sickness will be worth it in the end :)
Just feel bleeeeuuuuggghhh.

Had my hormonal moment but felt more sorry for myself because I feel crap than actually pissed off at anyone.
I am very snappy at the min, my poor mum is taking the brunt of it!! Im normally moody but not snappy!! Plus I cry anytime anywere!! I cried in the carvery on sat, dunno why but I did!!
Yesterday, I was crying hysterically for about 10 minutes because the OH said he didn't want sex, I cried because he asked me to go round the shop (I have no idea why!!). Quite snappy too, definitely hormones are playing havoc! Tut naughty things! x
spooky, i read this yesterday when u posted it loopy lou. i thought to myself, i havne't had this at all!

my OH then came home from a mates an hour late (3:30, should have been back for shopping at 2:30) i literally went ballistic, refused to go at all (we still have no food in the house!) then later he started telling me off for stressing too much and that went into a massive argument ending with me storming out the flat in tears!!

it was all his fault :oooo: i felt like he was purposely winding me up but i suppose i may have over reacted, a little!! xx
My OH is practically perfect in every way, he does everything for me as I am too sick to move an inch at the moment, and doesn't leave my side. Still, I find time to be awful to him every now and then... very ashamed!

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