Please tell me it gets better!!!

i've ended up going off of estimated date of conception to fit in with what they said in my scan last week and the week before which would make me approx 6 weeks....
i've used the 3rd may as my estimated conception date.... date wise compared to my scan it seems right!!!!

Thanks for all your help!!


Thank God i am not the only one.

I had horrendous pregnancies with my first 2 (sickness for 9 months, heartburn, crappy blood pressure and dont even talk about the weight gain).

This time i have only been feeling dreadful these past two days. The crappy taste in my mouth has only been for today. I am really hoping that it all stops at 12 weeks. i can only dream of a smooth pregnancy. Before i had already gone up a dress size, but i have only put on a pound so i am grateful for that. Do you think that you can have different pregnancies for different sexes. i have already got 2 boys. do you think that if i am carrying a girl this time it might be an easier ride!!!

My husband is okay, but i have to remind him that i cant run around at the park with our youngest. at the moment i feel that all that i can do is sit down things ie reading, watching tv or drawing.

i am so tired. and i think that i will be going to bed tonight with Joshua at 7.30.

heres hoping the sickness stops at 12 weeks (or sooner)

any remedies gratefully received.

I'd like to help you out but unfortunately I can't because this is my first pregnancy....also I think that the only people that can actually offer you advice would be someone who has one boy and one girl already....

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