Please tell me it gets better!!!


Active Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Hi all,

My name's Kath - I'm new here - just found out I'm 4 1/2 weeks pregnant - hubby & I are absolutely over the moon but naturally cautious, seeing as it's so early etc etc - trying not to worry & stay positive though! (We've been trying for 18 mths & I've been taking clomid for the past 4 mths.)

We've had a very enjoyable weekend informing just our closest family & a few select friends - didn't want to tempt fate too much by telling anyone else - I'm bursting to shout it from the rooftops though!!

I can't quite believe it, seeing as we've only known for barely a week, but I seem to have tons of symptoms already & have felt completely cr@p all day today - please tell me it gets better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When will I start to glow????!!!!

So far, I've got...

incredible thirst & constant peeing
on & off period pain like cramps
on & off lower back pain
generally exhausted - seriously considering going to bed in a minute actually!
vile taste in mouth
sore boobs
very very bloated with terrible trapped wind - sorry - too much info probably!!
very hot all the time

It's so weird - I've done 5 pregnancy tests which were all very strongly positive but I'm still finding it hard to accept that it's real - probably because I feel like I haven't got any actual 'proof' yet - I keep expecting my period to arrive or something & am just too anxious to get majorly excited about it - I guess that will gradually pass as time marches on towards the 'safe' 12 week stage - ??!!

How's everyone else doing?! Anyone feeling the same as me?!
Congratulations Kath!

I had a lot of the same symptoms early on - including a kind of exhaustion I've never experienced before - almost like I was drugged! Thankfully the tiredness and desire to pee constantly got better reasonably quickly. The nausea didn't start until I was around 6 1/2 weeks and only seems to have gone away in the last week (I'm 17 1/2 weeks!), but I think I'm unlucky - most people I've spoken to said their nausea had passed by week 13.

Anyway it does get better - I'm feeling happy and full of energy now and can hardly remember why I was feeling so fed up before!

Best of luck with everything and let us know how things are going!

Congratulations! I am so happy for you, I truly am. I remember it myself two years ago when I found out I was pregnant for the first time after trying for two and a half years. I did so many tests you wouldn't beleive and just couldn't actually believe it, I was absolutely over the moon. Although, unlike you I had no symptoms what so ever so i had even more trouble believing it! It wasn't until I went for my frst scan (i had to wait until i was 14 weeks!) and i saw it on screen that i really believed i was pregnant. I went on to have a really healthy pregnancy and had Ella one day late weighing 8lb 4oz on Dec 16th 03. (I thought i was carrying a boy for nine months, so imagine the shock!).
I am now pregnant again, 10 weeks and 3 days and hoping all goes well as i had a miscarige at 5 weeks the month before i fell with this one. I am probably due Dec 18th, how about you?
Anyway, I hope the symptoms don't get you down too much, other than that enjoy it!!
Heidi (26)
Partner Gary (39)
Ella (17mths)
Thanks ladies!! Nice to know it's common & hopefully won't last forever - I'm clinging to the popular theory that it usually fades away after the 12 week stage -??!!

I'm so happy at finally being pregnant & so excited about everything that it'll bring that I feel awful complaining about the symptoms but sometimes I seriously feel like I've been hit by a ruddy huge bus!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only time I've ever felt like it before is when I've had a bad case of the flu or something!!

It's quite frustrating at the moment because I don't seem to be able to sleep very well, which is insane because I'm incredibly tired, but I keep waking up & can't get comfy & need a drink or need to pee etc etc etc - it's driving me mad - the bags under my eyes are getting bigger by the day!!!!

I've been in bed watching telly for the past hour or so & am still feeling slightly sick & completely shattered & my tummy feels really hard & bloated - argh!!!!!!!!!!! I drank a massive glass of cold milk & felt better briefly - it must be bad when I don't fancy any biccies to go with it - I usually have to be dragged away from the tin!!!!!!!!!!

27th Jan. next year seems sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo far away at the moment!!!!!!!!!! My one consolation is that I can have a legitimate excuse for sitting on my @rse all over xmas - ha ha!!!! My xmas shopping will definately have to be done on the internet this year!!

I ordered a couple of recommended baby/pregnancy books from Amazon the other day, including one specifically for blokes, because I'm sure my husband thinks I'm taking the p!$$ when I say I'm tired etc. this early in the game - I think he's already counting the number of weeks he's still got to put up with it all!!!!!!!!!!!! I figure it's the least he can do, considering what I'm about to go through & intend telling him at every opportunity - ha ha!!!!

Good health & best wishes to you all,

Hi there Kath, congrats on your pregnancy. Just wanted to let you know that things started getting much better for me around 9 weeks. My symptoms started at about 6 weeks and really wipped me out for a good 3 weeks. Literally on my 9th week the nausea lessened, my energy levels shot up and my bloating got much less. Boobs are still very sore though but that doesn't bother me too much (especially as they're getting bigger!). So I guess it's different for everyone. I am now 10.5 weeks pregnant and feel almost back to my old self but with the lovely knowlegde that I have life growing inside me. You will feel better and when you do it's heightened by the fact you've had such a rough time to begin with.

One of the reasons for such awful symptoms early in pregnancy can be due to high levels of HCG hormone. This is what I had. It just means you've got a good strong pregnancy.

Good luck with everything

Zo x
Thanks Zo! Very reassuring!!

I was just chatting to my mum & she had hardly any sickness with me but was very bad with 2 that she miscarried - they reckoned she couldn't carry boys for some reason - this was back in the late sixties & early seventies though, so I'm not worrying about that too much!! I don't think it can be hereditary 'cos her mum had a healthy baby boy, so fingers crossed it's just like you say - hormones & the joys of early pregnancy!! Roll on 10-12 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judging it so far, I think ginger biscuits, dry crackers with Bovril & just plain water are going to be my new best friends for the next few weeks!!!!


I stopped feeling sick at 8 weeks and I feel a lot better adjusted now all round! I'm still totally knackered all the time though but all I need to do there is sleep sleep sleep and make sure I remember that! I still have bloating and wind though. It seems like all of the things that I should be eating (green leafy veggies, dried apricots, pulses etc) make me really windy and bad stuff like white bread and chips makes me feel loads better! Ho hum! My poor long suffering husband! He didn't believe me about pregnancy related flatulence until I found him an article about it on the Baby Centre website! It's all to do with muscle tissues softening up apparently! Nice!

I remember feeling at about 7 weeks that if this was how I was going to feel all the way through 9 months then I was in for a rough time indeed but I really don't feel at all like that now even though I'm still tired and my tummy is still funny. It's like my body and mind have just got used to it and are going with the flow!

I've been telling everyone this week though and that is quite cool! As for not believing it's actually going to happen I read some posts on the Third Trimester page from some ladies who were 30 weeks plus saying exactly the same thing so I guess until baby arrives we're all in a state of disbelief!!

Take care, congratulations and hello!

Congrats Kath! Don't worry everything you said seems to ring a bell!
I thought I must be over reacting when I felt tied and my back ached etc really early on but after getting a couple of pregnancy books I soon found out it was all normal. For me I didnt suffer from sickness till about 11 weeks (when most people are getting over it) and it went on till 16 weeks.
It is hard to believe its true, it wasnt untill I had my first scan that It sunk in. and even then I had this terrible fear that they were going to do the ultrasound and say 'sorry you must have made a mistake there's nothing here'.
But today I have just got back from my second scan and everything is fine, its just sad that I probably won't get to see it again till its born!
Thanks everyone - need all the reassurance I can get at the moment!!

It's weird - I'm normally full of energy & eat quite well & healthily but at the moment, I feel wiped out all the time & the only food I fancy or can even eat without gagging is 'bad' stuff like carbs - I had just bread & butter for lunch & a packet of salt & vinegar crisps for tea yesterday!!

The only meal I've been able to finish & really enjoy in the last week or so was a portion of fish & chips, which is something I never normally eat - oops - I can feel my waistband tightening as I type!!

I'm normally overdosing on fruit, salad, veggies, etc. but I just can't bear the thought of them at the moment - strange!!

I've discovered that ginger beer/ale seems to help with the sicky feeling though - good job I'm at home & not working this week - what with the fizzy pop belching & the terrible wind the other end, I'm really not nice to be around!! Poor hubby!! Ha ha!!

I know exactly what you mean about the carbs! I'm a vegetarian with a lactose intolerance and normally I am your 10 fresh veggies a day I love lentil stew, wholemeal bread and soya milk kind of girl but on Saturday all I ate was white bread with humous for lunch and chips with mushy peas and a white bread butty for dinner- dreadful! Not like me at all! But it was exactly what I wanted! And I want to eat milk chocloate which I haven't eaten for years and it doesn't like my tummy very much!

Since Saturday I have tried my hardest to go back to all of the grains, dried apricots, fresh fruit etc which I used to love but it just seems to give me wind (if you pardon me mentioning it AGAIN) and my tummy rumbles all day at work which is really embarrasing!


My husband and yours could have a right old moan about windiness! I do feel bad but there's not much a girl can do!! I found that ginger ale made me gassy so I chopped up some root ginger and poured boiling water over it to make a kind of ginger tea and that was pretty good for morning sickness. Also Clipper Teas do an organic lemon and ginger tea which is really nice and not sweet or acidic like some lemon and ginger tea bags are. I had that at work as they didn't know at that point and I didn't want to go fussing around with bits of root ginger!


I am also 4 weeks pregnant and i have the same symptoms as you. Im also hoping they stop asap. The stomach cramps and back pain are by far the worst
Hi again ladies!

Well, I THINK I may have got into a routine with the nausea which makes it SLIGHTLY more bearable!! ...

It seems to peak in the mornings now - immediately that I wake up - I'm drinking a glass of cold water & forcing down a couple of ginger biccies first thing, then as long as I take it slowly, I seem to be able to get through that initial hour or so. Then, throughout the day I've taken everyone's advice & I'm eating something very small every hour or so - right up till late afternoon - just things I fancy, like a banana, a cereal bar, a packet of salty crisps, a few dry crackers, more ginger biccies, etc. - very very boring & not particularly nutritious but seems to be all I can stomach & at least it seems to stave off the worst of the nausea - plus I'm drinking nothing at all but cold water - gallons of it!!

I'm then TRYING to make poor hubby a decent tea every night & I'm managing to eat a very small portion of it myself - usually a cereal bowlful does it & then I'm full - weird - used to eat like a horse before!!

I'm trying to stick to fairly bland stuff as I can't seem to face the thought of anything remotely interesting!! All I seem to really want is pasta or jacket potatoes etc. - I'm really struggling with fruit, veggies, salad & protein at the moment - I'm hoping this'll change sometime soon though, cos I'm bored already!!

As for the trapped wind - let's not even go there - OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Right, it's well past my pathetically early bedtime now so I'm off to bed, where I'll undoubtedly only be for a matter of an hour or so before the first of many nocturnal peeing sessions start to kick in - argh!!!!!!!!!!

Luck & love to all,
Hi kath, another cath here will exactely the same feelings! Hope it gets better! Have been told it gets better in the 2nd trimester (Honeymoon period) Hope so, I'm so teired at work, just get home, undress and watch neighbours until I have to do some tea! (YAWN) and the mood swings have kicked in and sore back oh and heart burn "I thought it was ment to get better?" *Shakes fist at powers that be* but will all be worth it when I have a baby in my arms!

The wind -E by gum - the windy city is over this forum hey! that is what by belly aches are sometimes feel like mild period pains! This is my first and I know I'm lucky not to have all day sickness!

Hope the read you soon!

Cathy xxx oh and baby bean
You're due on January 27th? That's neat because I'm due on January 29th....I've been drinking mostly Applejuice, Milk, Orange juice, and Water....trying ot stay away from the pop/soda as much as possible but it's kinda hard when you see someone else drinking it makes you kinda thirsty for it.....but congratulations....think of any baby names yet? My husband and I decided on Ainsley, or Alison if it's a girl not sure on boy names yet.
i don't get why none of the books tell you that you will feel like crap!!!
i hope that i hit the honeymoon period comes soon!!!

I'm going off January 20th for my due date, but i don't actually know!!!
It seems so far away!!!!

well not to be sick but when was your last period? Like the 1st day of your last period?
I'm only asking because when I went to find out the other day I was told that I was 5 weeks pregnant and this is how they tell (or so I was told) they count the 1st day of your last period up to now to find out how far along your are....

Ex. 1st day of my last period was 4/25 conceived 5/10....actually don't use this I'll have to see where I saw that on one of these advice columns some girl told me how the yfigue it out and I did wha tthe ysaid and it came to wha t Iwas told by the clinic person so let me look and I'll show you what they told me..

the first day of my last period was 28th march which would make me further than i am, i had a scan last week and they said i'm 5 weeks, so at the moment i'm just waiting till i go for my second scan next week cos they're scared that its not growing!
(i've already had 2 scans!!!)
So at the moment i'm all confused.... as to when i'm due!!!
Hopefully next week when they do the next scan they'll be able to date it better!!!

oK HayleyB I figured it out now (I had to look back at the advice column that I was on before because that was where the one girl told me how they can tell how far along we are..... BELOW IS THE MESSAGE THAT GIRL TYPED:

Posts: 190

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:37 pm Post subject:
Reply with quote


They calculate the due date from that date of your last period. They know on average when you concieved because most women ovulate around 14 days before their next period, and you can only conceive around the time of ovulation. So the average woman with a 28 day cycle will ovulate on day 14. Because they go by the date of your last period, you are always 2 weeks more pregnant than you really are if that makes sense!! They can be a few days out if you have a very long or very short cycle.

Hope this helped and didnt confuse you more.




Hope this helps sorry for the long message but I had to copy and paste what that girl told me b/c it was kinda hard for me to explain and also I was getting myself

I counted 68 days so however many months/days 68 days is is how far along you are.

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