***please read***

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kellie80 said:
I haven't noticed anything going on in here. How dumb must i be! :?

you're not dumb hun. see laura's post http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... highlight=

LauraB said:
If arguments occur on a thread, then that thread will probably be deleted. If people start a new thread asking why a thread has been deleted, then that thread will probably be deleted as well. I do not like to see threads remain on this website if they contain something that makes for uncomfortable reading - either by existing, or new, members alike.

arguments are normally deleted to try and stop them from getting worse etc x
sarah, I absolutely forbid you to leave :evil:
I will get the train down to your house and make you go online.
Dont make me buy a ticket now!
Kayl1986 said:
do u know what I really dont want Layla to go but I can see her point. i've had enough here too sometimes but there are some lovely people here too but something has gotta change or there will be knowone left. whats happened to the old friendly days xxxx

I completely agree
Yeah so do I and so do the majority of us!
Kayl1986 said:
do u know what I really dont want Layla to go but I can see her point. i've had enough here too sometimes but there are some lovely people here too but something has gotta change or there will be knowone left. whats happened to the old friendly days xxxx

well put
well seeing as we all agree, lets go back to being all nice again.
Who wasn't being nice??? Looking at the wrong people!
sometimes GENERAL statements seem intended for some one or just dont seem GENERAL
K X said:
why dont you share the other side and tell the ladies exactly what this is all over?

I don't mind saying what this is all over.....it's because of this post:

Someone said:
I'm glad things have settled for you :D

think most of what they say should be taken with a pinch of salt as they never seem to decided what really is best.
Sorry but...... there has been a 70% reduction in the numbers of babies dying from cot death since the 'back to sleep' campaign. That's my 5p worth anyway :oops:

There was no argument, and no posts have been deleted from that thread.
arghh this topic is meant to be a fresh start topic and look what its turned into!! people just cant wait to ask "what arguments, put the threads up so i can see" "whos been nasty" oohh oohh tell me the gossip...i mean i agree with beanie on the "FFS" comment..im sorry to be so blunt now but poor sarah tried to put up a thread to make a fresh start and look what it turns into, even laylas goodbye thread nearly turned into another argument!!!! GROW UP!

I think this thread is going to end up locked...and its a damn shame! I feel sorry for the mods, having to deal with all this crap from adults!

Sorry, should of bit my tongue but it had to come out...!!
urchin said:
K X said:
why dont you share the other side and tell the ladies exactly what this is all over?

I don't mind saying what this is all over.....it's because of this post:

Someone said:
I'm glad things have settled for you :D

think most of what they say should be taken with a pinch of salt as they never seem to decided what really is best.
Sorry but...... there has been a 70% reduction in the numbers of babies dying from cot death since the 'back to sleep' campaign. That's my 5p worth anyway :oops:

There was no argument, and no posts have been deleted from that thread.

and the rest, dont leave that out now! you seem to have forgoten to mention that we have been arguing all afternoon in the mods section, and you seem to have forgoten to mention that there are a handful of people on here who feel the same way as i do and who have been put down, but they wont step up and say so in fear that they get banned!

well i dont care anymore so im doing it, please put the full story so i dont look like a twat! i never thought you were like that

and please do not edit my post like you did with someone elses.

thanks to everyone who repled and emailed me, i will keep in touch with you all on msn

Layla, if you think we've been "arguing" all afternoon, then maybe you DO need to take a break.

Just because I didn't agree with what you were saying about members does not make it an argument. It did all stem from this post. You have bad feelings left over from the weaning thread, no wonder this forum is going downhill if people cannot let sleeping dogs lie.

As moderators we have to try and read each post as just one post, there was no issue with the post, only with the person who made it.

Incidently, the reply that I edited was at the posters request, as you know, so it's nothing to do with you.

I will not be posting in this thread again.
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