**Please read and help**


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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I am currently pregnant but with my first child and I am 19 :) I was wondering if anyone could help me with this situation coz I am really worried :(

I got my period during the night on Sunday the 6th of May…..took a pregnancy test on the 25th May which was negative then took 3 positive tests on the 5th June.

I went for a scan on Monday of this week and was told that the doctor could only see a sac but it was too small to see if the baby was there. It looked about 5 weeks old.

By my dates I should have been 6 weeks and one day….should it not have been an actual baby by now?

Has this happened to anyone else and it has had either a bad or a good outcome?

I really want this baby :(

Please help….sorry for the long post btw.


Hi Kelly,

Don't worry! Although we work out dates from our last period it all depends when you ovulate and how long your cycle is. The fact that you tested negative at first and later on positive may indicate that you ovulated later in the month and therefore conceived later.
You just have to try and be patient and wait until your scan that should reveal all!!!
I know it is hard but relax and enjoy it!!!
its awful waiting, and if u are only 5 weeks its sometimes not possible to see the baby on a scan as its so small. Its frustrating to wait i know, i'm 8 weeks on sunday and its doing my head in that im gona have to wait another 4 weeks to see my baby! i dont even feel pregnant which is even more annoying cos i keep thinking well maybe its no there and im imagining it all, or maybe my bodys just pretending to be pregnant, i duno but i do know i just want the next 4 weeks to go with a flash!
:wave: Hi Sweetheart.... Congratulations on your pregnancy! :dance:

Now don't panic... Dates are really just guess work this early... It works just like Mandspice above has said....

If the first day of your period is the first day of your cycle... then what ever day you Ovulate and the Egg get fertilized is your TRUE date....

I am a bit weird... I Ovulated on Day 9.......Not the average day 14....sperm etc can last up to 4-5 days in some cases..so fertilization from as early as ov day to 5 days later.... Following that so far? :rotfl:

Also depends on the length of your cycle... my periods came every 25-26 days...not the Average 28 days...

So you see... from when you had your period until when you ovulated and fell pregnant it could be as long as 3weeks.....So you might think your 6weeks but really you could be less.... So try not to worry... just do as the ladies say... Be patient... wait a few more weeks and you should be able to see a lovely wee kidney shaped bean.. then just around 12 weeks !! you'll see your lovely wee baby! ! !

Relax and enjoy your pregnancy.. you've got all the sore boobs and :puke: still to come too.. :clap:

Good luck Doll.. hope this helps? even if it is a long post.. :oops: Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
dont worry honey, it is very difficult for a scan to pick anything up before 8/9wks. There are lots of ladies on here who have had/know someone who has had a very early scan, seen nothing then gone back a few weeks later and there is the heart beating away.

congrats on your pregnancy :wave:
congratulations on your pregnancy. like the others said hunni, sometimes you cant see the baby cos its too small.
everything will be fine.
just take it easy.
cos youve got alot of work coming up soon. :)


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