Please help girls reg mobile 3!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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my OH got a 3 mobile contract (over the internet from the '3 shop'), it came this Tuesday, works fine etc etc BUT when he went to his mums house (where we will probably be living from the next few months!) there is no network anywhere around there, he drove up to where he works and still no network up there either, so really, he has a phone which he cannot use and is having to pay £35 a month for!!! because he hasnt had the phone a week, can he take it back, it does say you can IF you havent used the phone, but how can he NOT use the phone and know if there is network or not do you know what i mean? has anyone else been in this situation before? any advice? thanks girls x
I just got a contract with 3, thankfully they have good receiption here.

I'm sure my phone came with a thing saying a 14 day money back guarantee if your not satisfied.
I'm sure it says you can return within 14 days if the phone has not been used but give them a call free by calling 333 from his mobile and see what they say :D Hopefully they will be understanding and cancel the contract. It's a shame really because 3 normally have really good deals :D
i returned my phone nearly a month after i got it so you should be ok. sort it out as soon as you can tho :hug:
i hate 3. my OH got a contract with them and had the phone stolen and phoned them to cancel it, but they didnt and he got a huge bill through, and now expects him to pay it :shock: they wont except their error.

he keeps telling them to take him to court as he has the crime ref number etc but they wont, this debt been drawn out over 3 years so far.
im sure you get a 14 daymoney back guarntee with three me and my oh have been with three for a few years now and never really had any problems but yeah i would take the phone back

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