Planned c- section. Do you bleed from down below after?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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Im booked in to have a planned caesarean section on friday at 38wks due to concerns about my health.

Its highly unlikely that I will go into labour myself and there is no sign of a loosening plug etc so will I bleed from down below like you do in a normal labour and delivery or do they remove everything from your uterus while in theatre?

I have tried asking for info on c sections but the responses I got were off people who had emergency sections and had already lost their plug and waters. Thanks.
its pretty much the same either planned or emergency hun. You bleed normally and the only things they remove are baby and placenta. They don't clean you out in a sense if thats what you mean.
They try to remove all the stuff that would come out as clots, but you'll still.bleed because the area the placenta was attached to needs time to heal xx I bled for about 3 - 4 weeks on and off but it was very light and no clots xx

Sometimes they don't get it all and you'll get wee clots x

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basically the bleeding is the lining of womb that has protected baby for nine months hun. Just like a normal period it has to come out via there :) x
My surgeon def removed that for me, not sure if it's the same for everyone, but there were complications during my section so I think that's maybe why xx to reduce risk of infection xx

I needed a transfusion though so I dunno if that had anything to do with it xx
I bled straight after for a good 3-4 weeks as with a normal birth, i also had a drain into my wound to help remove blood too xxx

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