It must have been awful for you being so poorly
I had a planned section due to the size of my baby

S was 9 14oz Her size was picked up on a growth scan at 32 weeks and monitered until 38 weeks when they decided it was safest to have a section.
I'm sure you will hear both good and bad but I had an amazing experience with my section. At first I was terrified... I'd never even been to hospital before let alone had surgery! But i have to say it was the best and most surreal experience of my life.
The drugs i was given did make me a little sick but i had someone stood next to me who everytime i felt sick i told and he gave me something in my hand which took the sickness away. I didn't feel a thing during the op or for about 24 hours after.
My gorgeous girl was born and i was able to cuddle her almost straight away. I seemed to be in and out in about 10 minutes actually!
The recovery was difficult... I wont lie i found it quite difficult but i have probably the lowest pain threshold you will ever see. Advice on handling the recovery:
Be aware of when your next tablets are due and take them regularly until you feel that you don't need them anymore.
Take a V shaped pillow to hospital... Maybe a couple of them. I found it was the only thing that would support me properly and allow me to sleep comfortably without lying down too much. It is also great for feeding, I bottle fed and found that being able to have the pilow to hold Savannahs weight while i fed her really helped. Also if you cough/ laugh/ sneeze its good to press it firmly against your tummy so that your stitches don't pull.
Also try to sit up as much as possible and as straight as possible... Lying down when you've had a section is probably one of the worst things you could do, I had split tummy muscles and so lost the use of them for about 2 months after birth so i couldn't get out of bed properly without being lifted for about the first 2 weeks!
The recovery sounds awful... and it is hard. But my actual section i wouldn't have changed a second of and I will be more than happy to do it again next time round if i need to.
If you have any questions i will be happy to answer
I hope your feeling better soon sweetie