placenta previa


Jan 3, 2014
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Hi all. I am 35weeks pregnant today and have marginal placenta previa. I have been taken to hospital twice in the last few weeks and have had to stay in for 3 nights and then 5 nights. Had a couple of bleeds. the 1st one was quite big.the 2nd was minor but caused more problems as it gave me an infection. I'm home now,feeling ok and should be getting a date for c sec next weds. Doctor said to try to abstain from sex (which is all well and good) just wondered if anyone knows if that also includes clitoral stimulation as it is not penetration?? my placenta is covering os by 8mm.xx
You wrote this a while ago. I never noticed or I would have responded. You probably have already found your answer about clitoral stimulation. I wouldn't advise orgasming at all cause of the contractions it could cause. I'm in the same boat. No sex due to a bleed at 32 weeks which landed me in hospital for 7 days. I'm guessing you may have already even had baby by now if you had an early c-section. Hope everything is well xx
Hi both. I know im a bit behind on this but just noticed this thread. I had my scan this week and they informed me that my placenta is a bit low. They did provide reassurance that it should rise as the pregnancy progresses but it has made me me so anxious.
Don't worry too much. It moves 90% of time. Mine never moved and although I went into early labour a week before my planned c-section was due everything went very well. It was scary because I started bleeding very heavily and having contractions so I needed an emergency section but it all went very well. If you do need a c-section the actual operation is generally not too bad. It's the recovery time after that I found worst and of course the bleeding before it. Xx
Hi ladies, I just want to reassure anyone that has been diagnosed with placenta previa. I was diagnosed with posterior major previa at 20 weeks and was told unlikely to move due to the position. Confirmed at my 32 week appointment that it moved completely and can now have my vaginal birth. Good luck!! :-)

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