Placenta Praevia - So scared


New Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to ask if anyone had any experience of placenta previa please?
I've had it most of my pregnancy and its only just moved 12mm away (not enough) from OS. There is also an artery and vein in the way.
I was told at my last scan that i would be having a section and that i am likely to hemorrhage/blood transfusion etc and also they have to cut through the placenta to get to the baby. Scared for my little one as they have seconds to get her out.
I will find out today if i am to be put to sleep or have an section. I have never been so scared in my life and keep having thoughts that i am going to die (Pathetic i know) on the operating table. I go in a week next wednesday :shock: to have her. Its took away all the excitement of my little one arriving.
So if anyone had any experience they could share with me that would be great.

Thank you,

You poor thing. placenta Pravia is very common, my aunt had it and had a c section and a girl in my nct has it as well. Worries are natural, but docs know what they are doing. Just be excited! You will meet your baby soon. Hugs xxxxx
My placenta is low but moved up just enough to have a vaginal birth. You have valid fears and tbh I think I'd be feeling like you are at the moment.

Has your consultant or MWs been able to give you much info/support on the matter? I think cos they deal with things like this often on a daily basis that they forget there is this 1 person in front of them at that time who needs reassured and are not just a guinea pig or statistic. I guess also, that they have to become unattached emotionally which makes them good at their job, but it'd be nice to have that happy medium eh.

Unfortunately I can't really offer any advice on it, but I do hope Wednesday goes smoothly for you, and I'm sure you and baby will be fine as the surgeons do know what they are doing and they'll do what's right medically for you and baby.

Loads of :hug: and please let us know how you get on. Will be thinking about you. x

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