pictures of jacob

Thankyou everyone - he is gorgeous but has his moments expecially at 4am when he is keeping us awake, lol!!!! :lol:

he is gorgeous... is he a good baby? love all his dark hiar - so cute!
Hayley yeah he is a good baby. I was a horror when I was a baby and Dh was the same so our parents can't believe that we have got such a good placid, content baby!!! The only problem at the moment is he has his days and nights all mixed up so he is sleeping lots in the day and is awake during the night. He doesn't cry though which is a good thing but he wants us to be awake and entertain him.

Lindsey Dior was like that days and night mixed up, dont no if you have tryed it but when Dior was newborn and napped in the day i would put her by the window or leave the curtains open or light on then at night it would oviously be dark, that way she learnt the difference between day and night, it was to midwife that tol me to do it, it defo helped
Thanks for the tip dionne will give it a go! I have got him in his pram out on the patio at the mo hoping that the fresh air and bright day makes him realise that it's day time!! he is getting better slept for 4 hours last night before waking for his first feed!

hi Lindsay,

Sorry hun, I thought I had posted on here but I haven't, doesn't surprise me really, I keep on being a numpty :lol:
Anyway, you've got a lovely little boy there, very sweet. Have you got any more photos (sorry i'm nosey!!).

Nicki.xx :D
Hi nicki - yeah have loads of pictures will post some more when I get chance :lol: :lol:

what am i letting myself in for? 4 hours sleep and that is good! OMG.... will i cope?????? i'm trying to imagine it... if i go to bed at 10pm then wake up at 2am then back a sleep at 3am only to wake up 7am.... could be worse... could wake up every 3 hours! what is normal? 3 or 4??? does he go back to sleep starught after his feed? or does he want entertaining then?

Hi Hayley, (sorry for butting in here!)

For the first few days with Jamie I was really stressing over me not being able to get enough sleep, a throw back to when I was working I think & had to get sleep but I soon learnt that it doesn't matter as I didn't have to go to work the next day (if that makes sense) & i'll be tired for a long time to come!

Jamie was wanting a feed every 3-4 hours depending on how much he was having at his last meal & the time of day. Generally at night he will go 4 hours but has been know to go for 5 1/2. At the moment he has his last feed at about 11.00ish and will then wake at 4.30-5.30 then his next feed will be about 8 or 9. He was feeding at 3ish then again at 6.30ish so we've dropped a feed which is good.
Sometimes he goes straight back to sleep, sometimes not, that depends on how much he's eaten. For the first 4 1/2 weeks one of us was in the nursery with him but we're both in our room now which is soooooo much better as he's not disturbing us with his gurgling etc & we are feeling a little less tired.

You'll get used to what your baby wants & needs but yep prepared to be tired. Sorry :(
Hayley I am not going to lie to you it is hard work, especially adjusting the sleep situation. I was extremely weepy around day 6 which was hormones and extreme tiredness. I used to dread night times - the days are so much easier to handle, the nights seem so long and you feel as though you are the only person who is awake feeding.

It may sound stupid but in order to get sleep we have been going to bed at the same time as we have been putting Jacob down - last night it was 8pm! :oops: we bath him at 7pm, then I give him his feed and he settles really easily so by 8pm he was fast asleep, so we also went to bed so at least when he wakes for his feed, we have had some sleep as we can't guarentee that he is going to go back down again - one night he stayed awake after his first feed until 7.30am! he wasn't crying but wanted to be entertained. Anyway last night he slept for 5hours 40 mins before waking for his first feed and went straight back down afterwards, he then slept for another 3 hours before wanting to be fed again. :clap: :clap: it prob won't happen again tonight but I can hope!! DH and I are looking forward to when he is in a more definate routine so we can spend some time together on an evening.

i find Harley settles readlly well after his bath too. he will have his bath about 7pm when Dior does then he will have bottle and sleep till about 1am, but i dont usualygo to bed till 11/12.
so im thinking of giving him later baths about 10pm then he sould go through till 4am, then il slowly bring his bath time forward
AAAW Lindsay so sorry I haven't commented earlier.. Jacob is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Cannot believe he is 3 weeks old already.. time does fly.

Glad you are all well and coping with the sleep deprivation!!
Hugs to you all and smackeroo for Little Jacob's cheek!! xxx
Aww thanks anna-marie and jacob loved his smackeroo :lol:


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