PIC- what you think????

I can see it on the blue dye and i can see a thin pink line on the pink one :D xxx
I hate the postman! They arrived..5 of them, and Ive already done 3!!!! BFN. I was sort of expecting a faint bfp, just because those sainsburys ones were SO BFP-looking!!

2 left, and im not gonna say Im gonna do them in a few days because realistically tomorrow fmu and maybe saturday fmu...

..on another note Ive had more pinky cm and little bit with a streak of blood(sorryTMI), I saw it before I tested and got all excited!

you girls are so patient waiting..im just pointlessly testing..I know theres 2 of them there now and I want to use them...

Good luck with the next test girls. x
Awww hun dont give up!!! Them other ones were so positive looking!!!

I also had some more pink cm just a tiny but altho i thought more like AF is coming other than yay lol
aw thanks..its still early days after baba so im not in a mad rush but i was so convinved with the symptoms and ib-looking cm last week! just want bfp or af!

your pinky cm is sounding great..amazing at what you get excited about when ttc!

I really think your going to get your BFP.

im going to get a test after work dunno if ill be able to wait till the morning but iv to collect OH too
Test Test Test!! Let us know..its all looking great..late af and symptoms!! Ill be looking out for you post!

aw thanks for having faith, I keep going back to check them and now they have evaps- why do I do it to myself??

My oh has just sent me the sweetest text saying he wanted another baby as much as me, and thats quite a big statement seeing as he's been on the fence, I on the other hand decided at 20 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. Oh well, see what fmu tomorrow!!

Oh no..I was so sure for you. Dont be too disheartened yet, no af and you might just need fmy for it to show. x
Im going to test with FMU on Saturday, I got a twin pack of first response so iv one left!!

Oh i had a tiny but of brown cm so dunno if thats better or worse than pink cm

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