Physio advice?


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2009
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I had an appointment with the physio at start of the week for my SPD and she told me how I should be lying in bed at night. She said I should be lying on my side, 2 pillow under my head with a pillow under my lower back and between my knees and ankles which are bent. If I need to turn I need to turn in facing the pillow if that make sense. The problem is this sleeping position is sooo bloody uncomfortable and more painful than any other way I lie?

Anyone else been told to lie like this?
I've had spd in a previous pg and did think it was starting back up in this pg but *touch wood* so far its just niggles...x

Although it may not be the most comfortable position it is the best position for your pelvis, get your partner to help with the bak one to make sure your spine/lower back is getting supported :) I'm sleeping like this now just to keep all in one place xx
Thanks Mamafy I'll get him to check the pillow in case I've got it too high and just try to perserve with it!
Heh, I've been told exactly the same thing snappy, I find the ones between my legs really help but the other ones are just an irritation, especially as I toss and turn so much I end up with pillows everywhere!

iv not seen my physio yet but find sleeping with pillows between knees and back really helps me i have duvets either side to stop me rolling around as i sleep and it seems to be helping in that although im sore at night im not really having more than the odd twinge thru the day but i wasnt that bad to begin with

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