

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
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Sooo...turns out what the doc said was SPD is not ..

Been to Physio today, and basically she said that one side of my pelvis is sitting quite a bit higher than the other :eh:

This means that I have limited movement on my left side therefore causing pain etc...

Been given a maternity belt and she did some pretty rough moves on me to release the tight muscles that I now have on my left side..

Has anyone had this before?? I really hope what Ive had done today helps??

Cant offer any advice hun but just wanted to say I hope the physio works and you feel some relief soon xxx
Hey Jaxx, I have the exact same thing and it's on my left side also. Though mine is a flare up from a back injury years ago. My physio has ordered me a special belt too. Not sure if she warned you about any after pains, but you may be extra sore tomorrow because of what she did today. It's nothing to worry about and will pass. I have physio weekly and the after pains are getting less painful and for shorter periods. Long term, what you did today should really help you, even if you dont feel that way in the short term.

Hope you feel better soon and that the pain eases for you.
Thanks for that Manda :) yeah she did say I will be quite sore and most probably bruised lol

Are you in quite a bit of pain?? The pain in my hips is unbearable sometimes :( luckily Ive left my job so dont have that to worry about but running about after my little one (hes 3) is not the easiest!! lol

Do you know what happens now? She has said to come back in two weeks see if it's improved...what if it hasnt? will i have to be manipulated weekly?? god I do not fancy that lol xx
My back flares up quiet a bit but resting it and using a heat pack helps a lot. Also taking para does take the edge off so I can handle it. I run my own pet sitting and dog walking business and I had to stop that sooner then I wanted because of the pain it caused me.

Has she given you any exercises to do? When you go back she should check to see how your hips are sitting and how much pain your in as well as if you were in any pain from today's appointment (so take notes of intensity and how long you had it). She may do similar movements next time but they shouldn't be as painful for you.

Hope that helps.

Yeah I was a weightwatchers leader and have had to give it up...feel like a bit of a wuss giving it up but the pain is unbearable sometimes :( ive had pain like this since I had my son 3 years ago?? it flares up every now and again...been to the docs various times and only now Im pregnant Ive been referred for physio!!

It's rubbish isnt it :( x
I'm so sorry to hear that it has caused you so much pain and hassle. Have they never done any tests to make sure you haven't done anything in the past?

I feared that I would have back issue when I became pregnant, but when they started in the second month of pregnancy, it was a bit of a shock. I just have to be really careful as my previous back injury had me bedridden for a whole month and on physio 3 times a week. So I know how painful bad backs can be.

I really hope yours eases with the physio.

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