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Ohhh Tracey I see them!!! Yay I've everything crossed! Xxx
Yay yay yay yay yay can see it as well
How exciting for you hun
I got way too ahead of myself and thought I'd just try my CBD test and BFN - what am I like?? I was clearly told to do a first response but thought to myself as it was sitting there...... still not too bothered Its still too early to tell obviously.... will order a first response on internet and that way I cant test early !!

I always think CBDs are so final in their "not pregnant" diagnosis - be as well having a message that says "piss off it aint your month" ROFL
Lol Tracey, I feel the same way about CBDs!

I've just been talking to my other sister and her husband about things and she thinks it sounds pretty good for me so advised me to get a CBD, I told her I wouldn't unless I actually knew for sure that I was pregnant because I'd hate to see the "Not Pregnant". It's somehow worse than seeing just one lonely line on a HPT! x x
To be honest I'm not bothered. My heart was racing while I waited on the timer though...... LOL

MIdnight - AF was due on Friday but as I dont know my cycle length, based it on 28 days but could be way off the mark!

It was sooo funny at lunchtime cos I'd gone home, done the test, got the CBD BFN and switchedd TV on to see the bloody CBD advert - even on the advert it seems thay only use it so people who already have a positive, know just how far along they are - dont think they are any good at detecting early. Ach, I got it on an offer in tesco anyway - could have blown that money on chocolate lol
OMG - Midnight I was scrolling through the thread and my son saw your ticker and said "oh its red in your tummy - look there's a baby in a tummy" I told him that was amazing and how did he know that was a pic of a baby in a tummy and he said "cos you have a baby in your tummy" - freaky or what??? If only he is right.......
woooooo kids have extra senses so do animals how cool would it be eh :)
Just ordered first response on Amazon - should be here towards end of week - eek!! I'll keep you posted girls!
OMG you got anymore ebay cheapies??? i think they are super sensitive! and i can see a line!!! xxx
I dont rate the CBD myself, took absolutely forever for it 2 tell me "pregnant" i actually thought it as broken! so they cant b very sensitive atall for testing before AF. Good luck with your first response. x
Ive one ebay cheappie left - I'm sure I'll not be able to resist just using it in morning LOL Its hard cos I'm CD32 and dont know my cycle length so I could be either 4,3,2,1 day late for AF or 1,2,3,4, (and more) till AF due.....
I dont rate the CBD myself, took absolutely forever for it 2 tell me "pregnant" i actually thought it as broken!

When did the CBD detect you were pregnant? How many days after AF late?
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I was the same as u Tracey, it was my first cycle so i didnt actualy know the exact date AF was due, but i assumed it was a 28 day cycle and i tested the day before AF. It really did takes ages, me and OH were about 2 bin it because it couldnt make its mind up!! but the lines came up on the cheapies quite quickly the same day, they werent really dark but u could see them really clearly. I never used FMU either with any of them. I tested 4 days before AF aswell and didnt even get the slightest hint of a line! x
How exciting is this Tracey?! Good luck lady. I admit I'm mucho jealous of your line lol, but really pleased for you. Looks positive to me!xxxx
Well I've been to tesco....bought a 2 pack of first response tests so will do one in morning.......

Will I sleep tonight?

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