
Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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hey girls,
was wondering if anyone would be intrested in asking admin/mods, if we could set up a monthly themed photo competition (e.g kids & pets)? and we can vote on the photos we like best, possibly with the winner being announced in the monthly newsletter?
was just wondering if anyone would be interested in this idea or if its silly.
There might be fights from pushy parents :rotfl:

Only joking, that's a nice idea :wink:
I think its a good idea as long as its all taken as a bit of fun & people don't get upset if there baby/pet doesn't win! :D
nicki said:
I think its a good idea as long as its all taken as a bit of fun & people don't get upset if there baby/pet doesn't win! :D

That's what I was meaning! :wink: :rotfl:
nicki said:
I think its a good idea as long as its all taken as a bit of fun & people don't get upset if there baby/pet doesn't win! :D

yeah i was hoping that admin/mods would maybe be able to arrange it possibly make some rules, just so it wouldnt get out of hand and people don't get upset if they didnt win. :)
compititions like funnest face and things like that :think:
I have mentioned this in the mod thread and we will discuss it.
hev&madi said:
compititions like funnest face and things like that :think:

i was thinking along the lines of a theme for example:

* unforgettable faces
* colour theme (red,blue,pink ......)
* nature
* generations

these are some examples, just so that everyone can be invovled whether your pregnant, TTC or parents. the photo doesnt have to be about children it could be about your family or pets etc. :D
beanie said:
I have mentioned this in the mod thread and we will discuss it.

Thanks beanie, i thought id better ask before going ahead and just starting one without permission. :D
little*red said:
nicki said:
I think its a good idea as long as its all taken as a bit of fun & people don't get upset if there baby/pet doesn't win! :D

yeah i was hoping that admin/mods would maybe be able to arrange it possibly make some rules, just so it wouldnt get out of hand and people don't get upset if they didnt win. :)

I think there should def. be rules, for example -
if I post a pic it wins :rotfl:

(Kidding! :lol: )
Good idea

I've seen this on other sites, they (mods) usually put the submissions up in a thread and then run a poll for a month, then its all fair and square.
Yeah we've had these before and they fizzled out.

That's not to say it would fizzle out again though.
think we did it before and it caused alot of arguements.
I was thinking about this the other day but was thinking we could do something that represents each month. Like October: halloween, autumn etc.
Strangeness said:
I was thinking about this the other day but was thinking we could do something that represents each month. Like October: halloween, autumn etc.

I think that's why it might have fizzled out last time to be honest, February was Valentines, was a bit limiting. Halloween is a good one though :)

Personally, if we did it, I would suggest the "prize" for the winner would be picking the theme for the next month.
That sounds like a good idea! That way it will be varied and totally different and not so limiting. :D
Hypnorm said:
think we did it before and it caused alot of arguements.

As far as I can remember it didn't cause any arguments...did it? I just thought the initial thread was a bit like this one...people saying it might be a bad idea...I don't remember any actual friction caused by the competition itself. I may be wrong though.

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