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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2011
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any advice for first time mums due to give birth soon? As the weeks are getting closer im not excited. IM SHITTING MYSELF! :shock: not for the fact of becoming a mummy, but of going into labour.. doesnt help when people say "its the worse pain you will ever feel in your life" im abit of a wuss as you can see. I start throwing up (from both ends! :x) because i get so nervous.. even from needles or piercings! I can just imagine going into labour and spending half of my time throwing up or constantly in the toilet :( anything that could calm me down abit? sorry for going on with myself but ive just got labour constantly on my mind.. its that bad im not sleeping or eating propa anymore :'(


I was feeling exactly the same for long time there, but the last week or so i've been feeling alot more relaxed, I think i'm just starting to realise its happening, & i'm giving into to it rather than fighting it, been doing hypnobirthing too which makes things feel alot more positive.

Some days are worse than others for me, its the whole not knowing that gets to me!

I hear it is painful...but you will forget it all once baby is in your arms. I'm not scared, I'm excited. It's the finali, the final fireworks show that kicks off a new stage in your life. It'll be worth it all I'm sure. Try not to worry about it too much. Easier said then done tho I guess.xx
You know what I've resigned myself to the fact that it's gotta come out one way or another. I'm gonna prepare myself as best I can but not gonna worry about it until the time comes. I think I'm more worried about being in hospital because I really hate it. So the anxiety of that is overshadowing the labour part.
Look at it this way; yep it'll be painful but we can't control that - all we can control is our attitude. There are pain relief options if it gets too awful. There are no medals for doing it without drugs - don't feel like you have to struggle on if it's all getting too much.

I don't know if you've ever been in serious pain before, but I chipped my pelvis and broke 4 ribs once and what I remember is this - that it was very painful - but I can't recall the actual pain now. I can't recreate the feeling. And that's what birth will be like too, I'm sure.

My plan is to focus on my breathing, do one thing at a time (i.e. get through this contraction) and keep picturing holding our wee poppet in my arms. Good luck. You'll be fine. We'll all be fine :)
Im pregnant with my 3rd and there is a saying i love "surely if it was as painful as everyone makes out women would stop at one!" Yes its painful but the pain is soon forgotten. Also if you are a bit of a wuss like you say opt for the drugs(thats what they are there for) I had nothing with my 1st, and pethidine with my 2nd as he was induced. Just try and keep as calm as possible about it as the tenser your body is the harder it will be to give birth. Try a tens machine as they are good!!
I'm really nervous too, although it's my second, I didnt get very far at all so didnt really feel in labour before I had a crash section.

I am now feeling worse than last time.

However, I have resigned myself to the fact that what will be will be and I know my hubby will ensure that I get what I need etc.

Just try not to stress about it and go with the flow, the more uptight you are now the more stressed you'll be if things dont go to plan.
Baby's got to come out one way or the other so there's not much point in getting too stressed abut it. It's going to happen regardless. Try to not focus on the pain aspect of things so much and concentrate more on the fact that with very contraction, you're getting closer to cuddling your little bundle.
I agree with all of the above! Read up about hypnobirthing it can really help!!
thanks girls! just wish i could hold baby without having to go through pain, just hope its an easy labour now! feel much calmer after MIL saying she wont let me suffer in pain & she'll make sure i get pain relief if i need it :) xxx
I was petrified of giving birth. And I'm not going to sugar-coat it - it is the worst pain you'll go through in your life, BUT once baby is out it's all forgotten and totally worth it. I'll be 100% honest with you, I was throwing up AND shitting myself during labour (I threw up loads of times, and poo'd a little bit during contractions, too :blush:), and I remember I kept saying "I'm so sorry!" to the midwife but they've seen it a million times before and she kept telling me not to be so silly. It's weird how you're completely not yourself when you're in labour, you genuinely do NOT give a toss! Remember women are designed to give birth, and your body will do all the hard work, you just have to go with it and remember what's at the end of it.

Sorry if that wasn't much help!! :x xx
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I think it's very thoughtless of people to go on about how painful it is. I think it's less painful for some women than for others, and also quicker for some than for others, and maybe you're one of the lucky ones! Going into it already feeling petrified is not going to help. My advice would be to try and trust in yourself, practice some relaxation techniques, and be open-minded about pain relief options when the time comes. I'm sure you'll be fine!
Its my first as well hun and I know where ur coming from.
The way I see it is its going to be a gradual thing. Ur not going to be going about ur business as normal and suddenly be crippled lying on the floor in agony.
My mindset is that Im going to take it one contraction at a time.
I think u will find urself relaxing once u get ur first contraction... cos u will know then what it feels like and what to expect for the rest of ur labour.
As the girls have said, there are no medals for going without pain relief so if it gets too much u can always have something to take the edge off :)
It is also my first I am still really struggling to come to terms with the whole giving birth part. Both mine and OHs family think I'm being pathetic but I just really can't get my head around it all at all. I'm quite a perfectionist when going into new things and I think because I can't even begin to imagine how it's all going to go and I know that i can't plan it all exactly to the last detail and go through it to set times etc. Lol I'm just completely out of my depth with it all!
I think it's very thoughtless of people to go on about how painful it is. I think it's less painful for some women than for others, and also quicker for some than for others, and maybe you're one of the lucky ones! Going into it already feeling petrified is not going to help. My advice would be to try and trust in yourself, practice some relaxation techniques, and be open-minded about pain relief options when the time comes. I'm sure you'll be fine!

Yes, of course it's less painful for some women than others. All pregnancies and labours are totally different. But to say 'Oh, don't worry, I didn't feel a thing!' would just be lying! :fib:
oh hun i was nervous too....

but i got through it, it was painful but my little man is soo worth it! just concentrate on the reason you are going through it and before you know it you will have a beautiful baby in your arms!
when you go into labour your body just takes over and although yes it will hurt you can have pain killers to help x x

relaxing and breathing are the best ways to stay calm, your mw will be really supportive and help you through x she will offer you pain relief and tell you how your progressing and with all that info youll be well informed.

the pain is forgotton hun x i had 2 kids within a year so my experience was very fresh in my mind, and yet im doing it again x x x
You just do what is right for you but don't worry about the MW who has seen it all before a million times. Use pain relief that is what it is there for. Distract yourself as much as possible. I was reading a mag in between contractions at first and used a natures gate tens which helped with the pain but gave me something else to do. Your body will do what it needs to do and any people making silly comments need to be asked to leave the room. You will not know how you will react till you are there and may well be just fine. I know it is easy to say but having been there try not to worry too much. x
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I think it's very thoughtless of people to go on about how painful it is. I think it's less painful for some women than for others, and also quicker for some than for others, and maybe you're one of the lucky ones! Going into it already feeling petrified is not going to help. My advice would be to try and trust in yourself, practice some relaxation techniques, and be open-minded about pain relief options when the time comes. I'm sure you'll be fine!

Yes, of course it's less painful for some women than others. All pregnancies and labours are totally different. But to say 'Oh, don't worry, I didn't feel a thing!' would just be lying! :fib:

Of course it would, that's not what I meant. And I didn't mean people on this forum, either - I think there have only been absolutely appropriate comments on here. I just remember when I was pregnant with my first, everybody who had already had babies seemed to have made it their mission to outdo each other with horror stories on how terrible their labours had been and on how I was not going to cope, and that was really anything but helpful...
It also makes me laugh when friends who have had kids say that they had a wonderful experience giving birth to their 2 kids...yes but you had epidurals love. Arent friends great! xx

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