Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Keep us updated hun!!! Sounds really promising!
Mel x
Trapped wind right under my ribs, painful joints (but that could well be the athritis because of the cold) & my right boob is itch, dry & flaky :shock: x
oh and feel like theres sharp sand in my bra
twitches in my ladyhood, seriously stupidly thirst (just downed a glass of squash & mug of tea & dont even feel like I've had a drink all day

just another 4 days until we know if we're carrying our little Splodge x
heya doodles, im due on the same time as you.
iv been have twinges, and im sooo thirsty!!
im never like this.
didnt know being thirsty was a symptom
more tugging/twitching around my c-section scar x
I'm not sure if it is hun, I'm just noting everything new x

Hope :witch: stays away & you get a :bfp: hun :dust:

x x x
well lets hope it is hey.
good luck to you too, fingers crossed hey :)
Aversion to coffee (that hasn't happened since I was pregnant with Doodles, up until recently I've been drinking upwards of 6 a day)
Stupidly dizzy
Loki has become really clingy! He's never been nasty but he has always been grumpy, even after we got Freya to keep him company. He'd rather curl up out the hall or at the otherside of the room, rather than by anyones feet. But for the past few days he has become obsessive! If he was a man I'd be taking out a restraining order :lol: he came up to our bedroom Saturday and layed there until I got up, he even tried to get onto the bed (he hasnt done that since he was a pup!!), when I did get up & go in the shower, he lay by the bathroom door gaurding it, and hubby actually had to really coax him to get him to leave me long enough to go out. He's even started banging the kitchen door (which is blocked with a toy box!) to get to me, wait for me in the hallway if I'm out, or sleep on at the top of the stairs if we're in bed (there's a baby gate on the stairs thats normaly locked to stop them going up as I dont trust any animal alone with a child)

Thursday, very tempted to do it tomorow, but because I'm pretty sure I ovulated on the 4th, I'm worried it would be that little bit too early as it only makes me 10dpo, doesnt it? x
FX for you hun!
I also think I ov. on the 4th or maybe the 5th, and stupid me, I already tested twice (last weekend and this morning!!:roll: :roll:
Could not help it as I am completely freaking out and obviously got BFN :shakehead:
I kind of expected that because I think its too early but I got that urge I could not control!
I am totally mad this month, I had some symptoms for most of my 2WW but today it seems it is all gone! :wall2:

I am going crazy, i kind of know it won't be my month again but I still's completely stupid, I know!I can't seem to be able to stop myself.

Anyway, when are you testing? your symptoms look much more promising that mine!
I am not sure when we should test to get a "real" result, my ticker says one day, but I don't really know...

mel x
thanks both, couldnt hold out anymore, so tested this morning using a CBD


I'm less emotional about it than I expected, I think the fact that Doodles is here & being uber cute is helping (he's my little super hero). My cycles have been messed up since we lost Bean in December, so not going to bother testing again unless :witch: hasn't showed up by 21st which will be a 30 day cycle which is what I was roughly befor MC. If she hant shown up by then I'll try again on the 22nd x x

:dust::dust::dust: tou you both x x
Hopefully it's just a bit early hun?

Fingers crossed!


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